Ask the Experts Archives - State and Federal Communications

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Q: My employer is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a parent corporation. Does a parent corporation, a subsidiary, or other affiliated entity have its own contribution limit or must the contributions be aggregated and have a shared limit? A: The answer […]

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Image by Codrut Tomsecu

Q: We are currently reviewing our process for complying with the various reporting requirements established under the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) and would like some advice on how we can improve our accuracy moving forward. I don’t think we have […]

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Flag of New York

Q: I heard the New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (COELIG) was found unconstitutional. What does this mean for lobbyist and lobbyist employer reporting? A: That is correct. On May 9, a New York appellate court […]

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Q: I need to lobby on the municipal level, but I’m registered with the state. Am I covered? A: It will depend on the state, but you might not be covered. Some states, including Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, and New York, […]

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Q: We recently hired a lobbyist that is coming to our company directly from spending a number of years as a Senate staffer. What restrictions should we be aware of as her new employer in terms of who she can […]

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Q: I heard the Indiana Lobby Registration Commission (ILRC) updated their website. How will the changes affect how lobbyists register and file reports? A: Yes, the ILRC has upgraded their reporting system and new features have been added. Per the […]

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Q: I heard New York has new ethics training requirements. What do I need to know to be compliant? A: That is correct. The New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (COELIG) has expanded the ethics training […]

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Q: I need to register as a lobbyist in Quebec for my company. What steps do we need to complete in the new system? A: The Lobbyist Registry in Quebec has been replaced by Carrefour Lobby Quebec.  Previously, the senior […]

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Q: My organization wants to sponsor a reception in Texas. State legislators, staff, and family members are likely to be in attendance. As a registered lobbyist, what are my limits and reporting obligations? As a registered lobbyist, there are several […]

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Q: I am a registered lobbyist in Tennessee and my employer is planning to invite the entire membership of the general assembly to an in-state reception with food and beverages provided. Is this allowed and is there anything else I […]

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Q: Our organization is under the impression that we don’t have to register as lobbyists at the Federal level if we keep our lobbying activity isolated to our internal employees and don’t hire outside consultants.  I don’t think this is accurate.  […]

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Q: What are the different types of lobbyists in Arizona? Which expenditures are required to be reported on the quarterly or annual report? Do expenditures by my contract firm need to be disclosed? A: In Arizona, there are three main […]

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Q: I have taken on a new role handling our company’s government outreach in Florida. I will likely be lobbying both state and local officials. Where do I get started? A: Florida offers a labyrinth of compliance issues for state […]

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Question: I am hiring an outside lobbying firm soon. What sorts of compliance issues should I be watching for? Answer: You no doubt have a list of criteria you use when evaluating an outside firm’s ability to advocate for your […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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