December 16, 2024 •
Ask the Experts – Contribution Limits for Parent Corporations, Subsidiaries, and Other Affiliated Entities

Image by ToonPhotoClub (Getty Images)
Q: My employer is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a parent corporation. Does a parent corporation, a subsidiary, or other affiliated entity have its own contribution limit or must the contributions be aggregated and have a shared limit? A: The answer […]
Q: My employer is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a parent corporation. Does a parent corporation, a subsidiary, or other affiliated entity have its own contribution limit or must the contributions be aggregated and have a shared limit?
A: The answer varies and is jurisdiction-dependent. If a limit is shared, the parent, subsidiary, or other affiliated entity must have an open line of communication when it comes to making political contributions.
In California, a parent and subsidiary share a contribution limit if the decision to make a contribution is directed and controlled by a majority of the same persons. If the parent and subsidiary act wholly independent of each other in deciding to make a contribution, the parent and subsidiary each have their own limit.
In New Jersey, if a corporation has subsidiaries, affiliates, branches, or locals then the contributions of these organizations cannot exceed the applicable contribution limit in the aggregate. Two or more corporations will be conclusively deemed to be affiliated if:
- Any individual, corporation, partnership, company, association, or other entity owns, directly or indirectly, more than a 30 percent interest in each of such corporations; or
- One such corporation owns, directly or indirectly, more than a 30 percent interest in the other such corporation.
In New York, an organization financially supported by a corporation may not make expenditures for political purposes (including contributions to candidates, political parties, and political committees) in excess of $5,000 in the aggregate in any calendar year.
An organization financially supported by a corporation is an entity, among other things, run by the corporation, features no discernible differences between the organization and the corporation, and is simply doing the corporation’s business under a different name. If a political committee is created by a corporation, but is run separately and distinctly, then it is not an organization financially supported by a corporation and is not subject to the $5,000 yearly contribution limit.
Each affiliated or subsidiary corporation, if a separate legal entity, has its own limit.
These are just a few broad examples of aggregation of limits. As always, we advise you follow best practice to verify the rules in your jurisdiction before making political contributions.
For more information, be sure to check out the “Contribution” section of the U.S. Political Contributions Compliance Laws online publication. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
September 12, 2024 •
Ask the Experts – What Expenditures are Required to be Reported on the LD-2 Quarterly Activity Report?

Image by Codrut Tomsecu
Q: We are currently reviewing our process for complying with the various reporting requirements established under the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) and would like some advice on how we can improve our accuracy moving forward. I don’t think we have […]
Q: We are currently reviewing our process for complying with the various reporting requirements established under the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) and would like some advice on how we can improve our accuracy moving forward. I don’t think we have been capturing all the relevant expenditures that we need to include. Can you review what expenditures are required to be reported on the LD-2 quarterly activity report?
A: Thank you for your question. I applaud your effort to review and improve upon your existing processes. Continually taking a look at how and what information is being compiled is an important part of any comprehensive compliance process. The LDA requires registrants to provide a good faith estimate of all lobbying expenditures within the organization on a quarterly basis. This seemingly simple requirement can prove to be somewhat complex given the number of moving parts involved in accurately reflecting reportable expenditures.
Relevant expenditures required to be included in the organization’s quarterly calculation:
- The value (including compensation and associated overhead and expenses) of any and all employee time spent on lobbying activities. This includes employees who spend 20% or more of their time engaged in lobbying activities (and are, therefore, listed by name on the report thereby becoming a “registered lobbyist”) and those who do not meet the statutory definition of a “lobbyist” (employees with activity below 20% during the quarter – non-lobbyists).
While it is often straightforward to collect this information for your registered lobbyists, it can be more nuanced to properly capture this activity for those folks under the 20% threshold. Non-lobbyist activity can come in many forms. Generally, it includes direct (with a covered official) and indirect (internal or with an outside organization) communication such as planning activities, research, coordination, conference calls, meetings, strategy discussions and any other work that is undertaken to augment or further the lobbying objectives of the organization.
Examples of capturable indirect activities:
Research and/or preparation of talking points to be used in connection with a lobbying contact with a covered official.
Engaging in an internal discussion regarding strategic lobbying plan to support organization’s position on proposed legislation or administrative policy.
Drafting bill language, presentations, or letters to be shared with Covered Officials regarding federal policy or administrative actions.
CEO or other leadership meeting with or otherwise communicating with covered officials on the Hill or in the Administration.
Participation with an outside organization to accomplish any of the above listed ends.
- Payments accrued to outside lobbyists and lobbying firms;
- Federal lobbying portion of any dues or other payments made to trade associations, membership organizations and the like.
As you undoubtedly know, there are a variety of subtle reporting details that organizations must review and understand when establishing processes and procedures to ensure compliance with the federal law. For tailored advice centered around your organizational realities, contact us directly for assistance. In addition, details regarding reporting requirements can be located in the Federal Lobbying Compliance Law section of our online publication resource.
August 21, 2024 •
Ask the Experts – COELIG was found unconstitutional. What does this mean for lobbyists?

Flag of New York
Q: I heard the New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (COELIG) was found unconstitutional. What does this mean for lobbyist and lobbyist employer reporting? A: That is correct. On May 9, a New York appellate court […]
Q: I heard the New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (COELIG) was found unconstitutional. What does this mean for lobbyist and lobbyist employer reporting?
A: That is correct. On May 9, a New York appellate court unanimously upheld a lower court decision finding COELIG unconstitutional. The court found COELIG violates the governor’s ability to enforce ethics laws as many members of the commission are not appointed by the governor. COELIG will continue to promote compliance with ethics and lobbying laws and may continue to process ethics disclosures and lobbyist filings.
In New York, registered lobbyists must file bimonthly reports by the 15th day of the month following the end of the reporting period in which the lobbyist was first required to register. Reports are due for each subsequent reporting period thereafter.
Lobbyist employers must file semiannual reports for every calendar year during which the employer retained, employed, or designated a lobbyist and reasonably anticipates that during the year such client will expend or incur more than $5,000.
A lobbyist or lobbyist employer may be suspended for up to a year if they knowingly and willfully fail to file a report on time or fail to file a report at all. Any bimonthly or semiannual report not timely filed will be subject to late fees.
While the court case is going through the appeals process, COELIG was granted a stay to continue administering and enforcing ethics and lobbying laws, overseeing the filing and review of lobbying registrations and reports, providing guidance and advice, and investigating and enforcing violations of the laws and regulations under its jurisdiction. It is always good practice to make sure you are submitting reports on time.
Information to assist with your commitment to compliance, can be found in the Important Features of the Law section of State & Federal Communication’s U.S. Lobbying Compliance Laws.
January 25, 2024 •
Ask the Experts – Registration on State and Municipal Levels

Urupong - Getty Images Pro
Q: I need to lobby on the municipal level, but I’m registered with the state. Am I covered? A: It will depend on the state, but you might not be covered. Some states, including Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, and New York, […]
Q: I need to lobby on the municipal level, but I’m registered with the state. Am I covered?
A: It will depend on the state, but you might not be covered. Some states, including Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, and New York, to name just a few, have lobbying laws covering both state and local governments. If you are registered in such a state, however, that does not necessarily end the analysis.
Even in states where state lobbying laws apply locally, you may still have local obligations. New York state law requires registration if you lobby locally and otherwise meet the registration requirements, but New York City has its own registration regime you will be required to follow, potentially requiring registration at both the state and local level. Illinois lobbying law covers local governments as well, but includes a carve out for lobbying in Chicago. Lobbying in Chicago requires registration with the city, but not with the state.
Whether you are or are not in a state where the lobbying laws apply locally, you will need to verify whether the city or county you are contacting has its own lobbying law. Even if it does not, be aware there may be other requirements, such as visitor logs, with which you will still need to comply.
Finally, be aware some local agencies, particularly those covering large metro areas, have their own lobbying laws as well, so registration with the city or county still may not cover your contacts with those agencies. For instance, Broward County Public Schools and the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LAMTA) have adopted lobbying provisions separate from those of the counties in which they are located.
It is safest to always assume your government outreach, regardless of the level of your interaction, is covered by a lobbying law until you confirm otherwise.
Further information about the lobbying laws in hundreds of cities, counties, and local agencies can be found in the Lobbying Compliance Laws section of the State and Federal Communications website.
November 13, 2023 •
Ask The Experts – House and Senate Post-Employment Restrictions
Q: We recently hired a lobbyist that is coming to our company directly from spending a number of years as a Senate staffer. What restrictions should we be aware of as her new employer in terms of who she can […]
Q: We recently hired a lobbyist that is coming to our company directly from spending a number of years as a Senate staffer. What restrictions should we be aware of as her new employer in terms of who she can contact on the Hill?
A: Both the House and the Senate have post-employment restrictions for certain individuals leaving their employment on the Hill.
Importantly, the House and Senate ethics committees will discuss with the staffer prior to their departure the restrictions under which they must operate. That said, as her new employer, you should definitely be aware of what restrictions are applicable to her situation so neither the company nor she violates the rules. For the Senate, senior staff, defined as individuals whose annual salary is $130,500 or more, are subject to a one year Senate-wide ban. Essentially, senior staff leaving the Senate may not lobby the entire Senate for one year following their departure – this includes lobbying contact with personal, committee, and leadership offices. Staff making less than $130,500 a year are subject to a one-year ban from lobbying their particular office – whether personal, committee, or leadership office. The House restriction for senior staff is a one-year ban from lobbying the particular office for which the former staffer worked and there is no ban in the House for staffers making less than $130,500.
For more information about post-government restrictions in both the federal legislative and executive branch, please contact us directly.
October 12, 2023 •
Ask The Experts – Updates to the Indiana Lobby Registration Commission (ILRC) Website
Q: I heard the Indiana Lobby Registration Commission (ILRC) updated their website. How will the changes affect how lobbyists register and file reports? A: Yes, the ILRC has upgraded their reporting system and new features have been added. Per the […]
Q: I heard the Indiana Lobby Registration Commission (ILRC) updated their website. How will the changes affect how lobbyists register and file reports?
A: Yes, the ILRC has upgraded their reporting system and new features have been added. Per the ILRC, the updates will be live as of September 2023.
For registrations, memorandums of understanding (MOU) will be filed from within the online filing system. Lobbyists will no longer need to email a digital copy and the MOU will be a part of the online filing process and accessible online. To add a new lobbyist, a lobbyist will be asked to enter the date of the lobbying agreement and the social security or tax identification number. The system will search and verify the lobbyist is not already in the system. If the lobbyist is not in the system, then it will proceed to create a new MOU. If the lobbyist is in the system, instructions will be given on how to proceed. To amend a current MOU, the lobbyist may select their name from a dropdown list and make the appropriate changes to the information.
All filings will now be submitted directly to the ILRC after being approved by either the lobbyist or by the responsible person. Previously, filers were required to do a final submission as the preparer of the report or registration after approval. Going forward, lobbyists will be notified when the filing is approved and submitted directly to the Commission. An audit process has been added to the filing system to ensure the accuracy of filings and the ILRC will reach out if a filing was declined due to an error or omission which must be corrected before it is accepted.
Other changes include upgrades to the system’s search function. As soon as a lobbyist opens their account the dashboard will now include pending filings, MOUs, and appeals. Additional search upgrades include being able to sort previous filings by year, type, status, and confirmation number.
The information from this response can easily be found on our website in the Lobbying Compliance section of the United States Compliance Laws publication. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
September 12, 2023 •
Ask The Experts – New York’s New Ethics Training Requirements
Q: I heard New York has new ethics training requirements. What do I need to know to be compliant? A: That is correct. The New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (COELIG) has expanded the ethics training […]
Q: I heard New York has new ethics training requirements. What do I need to know to be compliant?
A: That is correct. The New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (COELIG) has expanded the ethics training requirements as part of the new Ethics Reform Act of 2022. All lobbyists (Principal, Individual, and In-House lobbyists), contractual clients, and beneficial clients listed on a submitted 2023-2024 Statement of Registration are required to take this new training in 2023 and certify completion of the training requirement on the Lobbying Application website. The training requirement is triggered by and applicable to those individuals and entities listed on a lobbyist or client Statement of Registration once the registration is submitted.
For the purposes of training compliance by organizations listed as a lobbyist or client, the Chief Administrative Officer of the organization is responsible for taking the training. Individuals associated with 2023-2024 registrations submitted on or before January 18, 2023, had an extended training due date of March 18, 2023. Those individuals associated with a 2023-2024 registration submitted after January 18, 2023, have 60 days from the registration submission date to complete and certify the training. Following completion of the initial training, individuals will be required to take a refresher training every three years.
Individuals may access the course through a hyperlink on the COELIG website or directly at
July 19, 2023 •
Ask The Experts – Registering as a Lobbyist in Quebec
Q: I need to register as a lobbyist in Quebec for my company. What steps do we need to complete in the new system? A: The Lobbyist Registry in Quebec has been replaced by Carrefour Lobby Quebec. Previously, the senior […]
Q: I need to register as a lobbyist in Quebec for my company. What steps do we need to complete in the new system?
A: The Lobbyist Registry in Quebec has been replaced by Carrefour Lobby Quebec. Previously, the senior officer was responsible for creating an account, and would list any individual lobbyists or administrators on the company’s account. With the new system using Carrefour Lobby Quebec, the senior officer and each lobbyist must create an individual account, referred to as a professional space. A professional space can then be linked to an organization’s account, referred to as a collective space.
To create a personal space, you first need to create your account with Carrefour Lobby Quebec. After creating your account, you must verify it. You can use the Verified.Me platform, which requires you to login to your financial institution. This is the easiest method to use. In the alternative, you can use an ID verification form managed by Lobbyisme Quebec. With this option, you will be required to upload photo identification such a driver’s license along with a recent financial statement verifying your current address. Once authenticated, you will have access to your professional space.
The collective space for an organization can be opened by the senior officer, an employee, or even a third party. Once the collective space has been opened, all individuals with an authenticated professional space can request access to the collective space. The senior officer must approve or validate these requests. All mandates can then be published to the collective space by the senior officer, a lobbyist, or an administrator who has been granted access by the senior officer.
The information from this response can easily be found on our website in the Lobbying Compliance section of the Canada Compliance Laws publication. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
June 13, 2023 •
Ask The Experts – Texas Sponsorship Laws
Q: My organization wants to sponsor a reception in Texas. State legislators, staff, and family members are likely to be in attendance. As a registered lobbyist, what are my limits and reporting obligations? As a registered lobbyist, there are several […]
Q: My organization wants to sponsor a reception in Texas. State legislators, staff, and family members are likely to be in attendance. As a registered lobbyist, what are my limits and reporting obligations?
As a registered lobbyist, there are several items to keep in mind when sponsoring an event. First, a lobbyist can provide an unlimited amount of food and beverage to an official, employee, immediate family member, or guest when the lobbyist attends the event. If not present at the event, food and beverage expenditures are limited to $100 or less.
Next, when engaging with officials at the event, sponsorship is considered a lobbying expenditure and will need to be disclosed on the appropriate lobbying report. These reports break expenditures down by type (food and beverage, entertainment, transportation, etc.) and by recipient. This may seem straightforward, but if your sponsorship goes to the organizing entity, how do you know how your dollars are being used?
The state provides some guidance here. When reporting expenditures for a reception or banquet type event, the Food and Beverage category includes all items needed to hold the event such as room rental, table settings, and printing costs. Other categories may need to be included depending on the specific event.
Additionally, you will need to know who among the attendees are in a reportable category of persons benefitted. Generally, this is state senators/representatives, state officers, state employees, immediate family members, and guests. If a combination of these groups are in attendance, or a combination of covered and non-covered individuals, the expenditure should be divided appropriately based on the numbers in each category. If all members of the legislature are invited, the entire expenditure is reported under that category. As long as all members are invited, it does not matter how many actually attend.
Finally, keep in mind the detailed reporting threshold. If the per person costs exceed the threshold, currently $132.60, the individuals must be identified and other details disclosed.
For more information, please see the “Reports Required” and “Gift Law” sections of the Lobbying Compliance Laws online publication for Texas. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
April 26, 2023 •
Ask the Experts – Tennessee Gift Laws
Q: I am a registered lobbyist in Tennessee and my employer is planning to invite the entire membership of the general assembly to an in-state reception with food and beverages provided. Is this allowed and is there anything else I […]
Q: I am a registered lobbyist in Tennessee and my employer is planning to invite the entire membership of the general assembly to an in-state reception with food and beverages provided. Is this allowed and is there anything else I should know to make sure I am compliant with state laws?
A: Yes, the event is permissible, but there are important reporting requirements to follow.
Lobbyists and employers of lobbyists may provide entertainment, food, refreshments, etc. in connection with an in-state event to which the entire membership of the general assembly has been invited. For 2023 events, the cost per person may not exceed $73 per day.
The lobbyist or employer of lobbyist must file a copy of the invitation with the Ethics Commission at least 7 days before the event and must file an In-State Disclosure form within 30 days after the event detailing the per-person and total cost of the event.
The aggregate total of all in-state events is also reported on the semi-annual lobbyist employer reports.
Proper gift disclosure can involve more than simply including the gift on your normal lobbying disclosure report. It is always a good idea to check the jurisdiction’s specific disclosure requirements on our website prior to giving a gift.
January 23, 2023 •
Am I Properly Registering as a Lobbyist at the Federal Level? | Ask the Experts
Q: Our organization is under the impression that we don’t have to register as lobbyists at the Federal level if we keep our lobbying activity isolated to our internal employees and don’t hire outside consultants. I don’t think this is accurate. […]
Q: Our organization is under the impression that we don’t have to register as lobbyists at the Federal level if we keep our lobbying activity isolated to our internal employees and don’t hire outside consultants. I don’t think this is accurate. Can you let me know the registration requirement for federal lobbying?
A: You are correct to be skeptical of this viewpoint. Keeping lobbying activity isolated to in-house personnel does not impact the need to register. Registration at the federal level is based on three criteria. All three must be met in order to warrant registration, or, stated differently, registration is required when all three criteria are met. The criteria are:
- An organization spends or is expected to spend at least $14,000 on lobbying activity during a quarterly period;
- An organization has at least one employee who spends 20% of their time engaged in lobbying activity; and
- That same 20% employee makes more than one lobbying contact.
When considering whether the monetary threshold has been met, all expenses must be considered including, compensation and reimbursed expenses associated with lobbying activities of all employees (not just designated “government relations” employees), overhead, payments to outside lobbyists and the portion of any dues paid to outside membership organization that are allocated toward lobbying. Likewise, when determining whether an individual employee meets the 20% standard, all time engaged in any activity that is intended to support lobbying contacts must be considered including background and prepatory work, research, strategy sessions and conversations inside and outside the organization.
Once your organization meets all three thresholds, registration with the House and Senate is required within 45 days. As a federal registrant, quarterly activity reporting is required as well as semi-annual contribution reporting.
November 14, 2022 •
Can You Tell Me About Lobbying in Arizona? | Ask the Experts

Q: What are the different types of lobbyists in Arizona? Which expenditures are required to be reported on the quarterly or annual report? Do expenditures by my contract firm need to be disclosed? A: In Arizona, there are three main […]
Q: What are the different types of lobbyists in Arizona? Which expenditures are required to be reported on the quarterly or annual report? Do expenditures by my contract firm need to be disclosed?
A: In Arizona, there are three main types of lobbyists required to be listed on the principal registration: the designated lobbyist, authorized lobbyists, and Lobbyists for Compensation (LFC). The designated lobbyist acts as the single point of contact for the principal and is required to file quarterly and annual reports. Authorized lobbyists are employed by the principal for the purpose of lobbying, other than the designated lobbyist, listed on the registration and permitted to perform lobbying activities on behalf of the principal. An LFC is a third-party lobbyist or contract firm compensated for the primary purpose of lobbying on behalf of a principal. While an LFC can act as the designated lobbyist for a principal most companies prefer to use an in-house employee to serve as point of contact for accountability purposes.
The designated lobbyist and each LFC are required to file four separate quarterly reports. The fourth quarter report also requires a cumulative total for the calendar year. While quarterly reports do not require personal expenditures by an authorized lobbyist to be reported, all expenditures must be disclosed in the principal annual report. The principal annual report must also include all reportable expenditures previously disclosed by each LFC on their quarterly reports.
Reportable expenditures provide a benefit to an individual state officer or state employee, whether or not the expenditure was made in the course of lobbying. All expenditures must be reported in one of the following categories: food and beverage; speaking engagement; travel and lodging; flowers; or other expenditures.
Expenditures more than $20 must be itemized and include the name and title of the state officer or employee benefiting; date, amount, and category of expenditure; and the name of the person who made the expenditure on behalf of the principal. Expenditures less than $20 may be reported in the aggregate. Additionally, expenditures for special events require the disclosure of the legislative body invited, date, location, description of event, and the total amount to be disclosed.
August 11, 2022 •
Ask the Experts – Where do I get started?

Q: I have taken on a new role handling our company’s government outreach in Florida. I will likely be lobbying both state and local officials. Where do I get started? A: Florida offers a labyrinth of compliance issues for state […]
Q: I have taken on a new role handling our company’s government outreach in Florida. I will likely be lobbying both state and local officials. Where do I get started?
A: Florida offers a labyrinth of compliance issues for state and local lobbyists. The decentralized nature of the regulatory landscape means you may need to register at the state level, as well as in each individual city or county where you will be active.
At the state level, registration is required prior to engaging in lobbying activities. This includes any attempt to obtain the goodwill of a legislator, executive official, or employee of either branch. Registrants must select whether they will be lobbying the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, or both. Activity reports for the state are limited to lobbying firms, who must disclose compensation received on a quarterly basis. Gift disclosures may also be required for any registered lobbyist, but we will discuss these in a moment.
Engaging with city or county officials is where staying compliant can be complicated. Most cities and counties have their own registration and reporting ordinances. Luckily, a general theme throughout is the requirement to register prior to engaging with officials. Most locales require annual registration, for either the calendar year or fiscal year, and reporting of lobbying activities. Be careful here to note the reporting periods as they can differ from the registration period. Some cities, such as Orlando, do not require the submission of a report if no expenses were incurred during the reporting period.
Also, be sure to note additional requirements such as meeting logs, lobbyist trainings, or registrations with subgroups of a municipality. For example, Miami-Dade County Publics Schools has its own registration requirement separate from Miami-Dade County.
Finally, whether you are registered with the state or a municipality, state statutes require quarterly disclosures of gifts to certain officials and employees. These reports include gifts valued at more than $25 given to officials or employees who file financial disclosures with the state; however, no such report is required if no reportable gifts were given. And, as always, please be sure any gift is permissible according to the relevant ethics rules.
For more information, be sure to check out the “Registration” and “Reports Required” sections of the Lobbying Compliance Laws online publication for Florida and its municipalities. If you have any questions, please feel free to learn more and contact us at
July 7, 2022 •
Ask the Experts – Hiring Outside Lobbying Firms

Question: I am hiring an outside lobbying firm soon. What sorts of compliance issues should I be watching for? Answer: You no doubt have a list of criteria you use when evaluating an outside firm’s ability to advocate for your […]
Question: I am hiring an outside lobbying firm soon. What sorts of compliance issues should I be watching for?
Answer: You no doubt have a list of criteria you use when evaluating an outside firm’s ability to advocate for your company, but there are other issues you should be looking for.
Many lobbyists are former government officials and staffers, which means they are likely subject to revolving door provisions. While those restrictions will have expired for the majority of lobbyists if there is a new hire at the firm they may still be subject to time or subject matter restrictions and unable to lobby on your behalf. Revolving door restrictions can be a general ban on any lobbying in that jurisdiction, a ban specific to a particular issue in which the former government employee was heavily involved, or a ban only on lobbying their former government agency. If your firm is recommending a lobbyist who recently left government employment, you will want to confirm the lobbyist has no restrictions that will affect their work.
You will also want to ensure the firm is properly filing required registrations and reports. This information is publicly available on state websites, so it is not difficult to determine if the firm is meeting its obligations. Look for reports that are past due and reports that were filed after the due date. This is especially critical if you are going to be relying on the firm to file your company’s principal reports for you.
Finally, search the state’s website for fines, penalties, and reprimands issued to the firm. Again, your company’s reputation, both with the public and with the government officials contacted, will be tied to the firm.
More information about these topics can be found in the Lobbying Compliance Guidebook on the State and Federal Communications subscriber website. Specifically, information regarding revolving door restrictions can be found in the Important Features of the Law section, report due date information can be found in the Reports Required section, and the Contact Information section has links to state ethics websites.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting