revolving door Archives - State and Federal Communications

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The civil penalty for violating revolving door restrictions has increased. Senate Bill 7014 doubled the maximum fine to $20,000 for former officials who violate the state’s six-year ban on lobbying on matters of policy and procurement. The bill also makes […]

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Illinois State District 28 Sen. Laura Murphy announced she is working with District 55 Rep. Martin Moylan on an omnibus bill for ethics reform to fight corruption. The bill will likely incorporate provisions from six existing bills, including recently passed […]

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On February 3, State Representative Melissa Shusterman introduced a bill amending the revolving door provision. The bill requires public officials to wait one year after their term of office before lobbying. House Bill 2263 establishes a lifetime ban for public […]

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Washington lawmakers have reintroduced a bill to impose a two year cooling off period to slow a revolving door of state officials and employees becoming lobbyists when they leave state employment. House Bill 1067 is intended to reduce the perception […]

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On July 24, The New York City Charter Revision Commission released a final draft report on proposed amendments to the city charter. The commission proposed Ballot Question 3 relating to ethics and governance including extending the post-employment appearance ban for […]

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The Kansas Legislature adjourned sine die on May 29. Lawmakers adjourned earlier in the month to allow the governor time to appoint a candidate to the Kansas Court of Appeals. On Wednesday, the Senate approved Sarah Warner to fill the […]

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The Richmond City Council unanimously passed Ordinance No. 2019-115 prohibiting lobbying after employment. Ordinance No. 2019-115 defines “officer or employee” as members of the city council, city officers and employees, and individuals who receive monetary compensation for service on or […]

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Gov. Janet Mills recently signed two lobbying bills and one campaign finance bill into law. Legislative Document 76 bans future lawmakers from any paid lobbying within their first year out of office beginning with the 130th Legislature. Legislative Document 825 […]

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Gov. Kate Brown signed House Bill 2595 on May 3. The bill prohibits a former member of the Legislative Assembly from receiving money or any other consideration for lobbying within one year after ceasing to be a member of the […]

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The Minnesota Legislature recently introduced several ethics-related bills during the 91st legislative session. Senate File 2041 requires public officials to disclose a lobbyist, principal, or other interested person by whom the individual is compensated in excess of $50 in any […]

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September 18, 2018  •  

Sen. Sasse Introduces Five Federal Ethics Bills

On September 17, Sen. Ben Sasse introduced five federal ethics bills in the Senate, including Senate Bill 3454, the Congressional Revolving Door Ban Act, which would create a lifetime ban on members of Congress leaving office to become federal lobbyists. […]

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After gathering 38,451 signatures, an anti-corruption measure will appear on the November 6 ballot in North Dakota. If the measure is approved by voters, the ethics commission will be responsible for adopting rules related to elections, lobbying, and for reporting […]

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On May 1, revolving door amendments to British Columbia’s Lobbyists Registration Act (LRA) come into force. The new amendment mandates a person who is a former public office holder be prohibited from lobbying, in relation to any matter, for a […]

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The Florida Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) is one step closer to placing an ethics proposal on the November ballot. Proposal 39, creating an extended waiting period for state and local officials seeking to lobby after leaving office, was approved as […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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