February 3, 2012 •
Compliance Dream Team
Appearing one time only at the Public Affair Council National PAC Conference is the Compliance Dream Team! I am extremely excited and honored to pair up with The Extra Honorable Ken Gross, The Mighty Honorable Michael Toner, and New Kid on The Block Amol Naik from Google to hear your confessions and questions.
This session will present a series of complicated and pertinent compliance questions to the panel for our expert response. There will also be an opportunity to submit anonymous compliance missteps for us to hear and provide corrective action.
This is bigger than Broadway…Larger than Hollywood. And, it will only happen on Tuesday, February 28th at Portofino Bay, Orlando, Florida. Join us at the Public Affairs Council National PAC Conference.
Looking forward to seeing you out and about!
Elizabeth Bartz
President and CEO, State and Federal Communications, Inc.
February 3, 2012 •
Highlighted Site of the Week – YouTube Politics
As the site says, “See how the 2012 presidential candidates stack up against each other on YouTube.”
Today’s Highlighted Site of the Week is YouTube’s Politics Channel.
There are the polls and there are the projections, but with the YouTube politics Channel, you can find out which campaign videos are creating the most buzz on the internet.
Are you curious which presidential candidates are receiving the most video views and channel subscriptions on YouTube? According to the site, the current tally of video views is as follows: Mitt Romney is king-of-the-hill with 500,330 views, followed by Newt Gingrich at 402, 467, and President Obama is in third place with 389,634 views.
You can view the statistics for today, for the past week, the past month, or for all time. Have fun with this great tool.
Have a wonderful weekend!
February 2, 2012 •
New York J.C.O.P.E. Appoints Executive Director
Inspector General Ellen Biben Named Head of Ethics Agency
The Joint Commission on Public Ethics has selected Ellen Biben to serve as its executive director.
Biben is a former federal prosecutor, who served as a deputy in the attorney general’s office, and now serves as inspector general.
February 1, 2012 •
Georgia House Provides Schedule
Resolution sets dates for meeting and adjournment
House Resolution 1140 has set the meeting dates and dates of adjournment for the 2012 regular session of the General Assembly for the period of Friday, January 27, 2012, through Monday, March 12, 2012.
The Assembly will generally be in session during the week and in adjournment during each weekend.
The resolution also schedules adjournment for Monday, February 13, Tuesday, February 14, Thursday, March 1, Friday, March 2, Thursday, March 8, and Friday, March 9.
Any additional periods of adjournment will be set by subsequent resolutions.
February 1, 2012 •
Monmouth County Rescinds County Pay-to-Play Rules
Will Follow State’s Laws
The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders has rescinded its three year old pay-to-play regulations.
County resolution 2012-0071 repeals resolution 08-397, which created pay-to-play and vendor disclosure rules that overlapped with the state’s law.
The Board determined the county’s pay-to-play resolution caused confusion among those seeking or performing business within the county.
Without its own ordinance, the county will now only follow New Jersey’s current pay-to-play laws.
January 31, 2012 •
Tennessee Bill Broadens Lobbyist Entertainment Exception
Bill Introduced to General Assembly
Representative Philip Johnson has introduced House Bill 3025, which would allow employers of lobbyists to host receptions for standing committees in either chamber of the general assembly.
Tennessee law prohibits lobbyist employers from holding receptions, unless all state legislators are invited.
The current prohibition was part of ethics reforms enacted after the Tennessee waltz scandal.
Photo of the Tennessee House Chamber by Ichabod on Wikipedia.
January 31, 2012 •
First Law of 2012 Legislative Session Alters Colorado Campaign Finance Reporting Schedule
Governor’s Signature Settles Biweekly Reporting Dispute Between Secretary of State and Legislature
Governor John Hickenlooper signed the first bill to come out of the 2012 legislative session on Monday, January 30, 2012. The bill, Senate Bill 12-014, moves the date for candidates, committees, and political parties to begin filing biweekly campaign finance disclosure reports from the first Monday in July prior to the primary election to the first Monday in May prior to the primary election. This settles an ongoing dispute between lawmakers and Secretary of State Scott Gessler over filing biweekly reports prior to the state’s June 26, 2012 primary.
Lawmakers neglected to alter the beginning of biweekly reporting dates during the 2011 session when they chose to move the state’s primary date from August to June. In reaction to this, Gessler issued a rule declaring biweekly reporting would not begin until after the primary election so as to avoid requiring biweekly reporting for the 2012 election to begin in July, 2011.
After facing backlash from critics claiming he was trying to reduce transparency and following a vote by a legislative committee not to include the rule in the package of approved rules, Gessler issued a new rule declaring biweekly reports would begin for the June 2012 primary election on January 30, 2012, but future primary elections would require biweekly reporting to begin in July of the off-election year and continue until the last Monday of the biweekly schedule prior to the primary.
Unhappy with this decision by Gessler, lawmakers were able to pass SB 12-014 in time to avoid beginning biweekly reporting on Monday. The first biweekly report will now be due May 7, 2012.
January 31, 2012 •
Ask the Experts – Calculating LDA Expenditures
Here is your chance to “Ask the Experts” at State and Federal Communications, Inc.

Q: Can I change the method by which I am calculating my lobbying expenditures for purposes of filing my Federal LD-2 reports?
A: Yes, at the appropriate time. Under the LDA, registrants have the option of electing the compilation method for quarterly expenditures – that is, whether they use the LDA definitions or the IRC definitions for lobbying. A change in that method election can only take place, however, in the first quarter of each new year. Once a report has been filed using one method then all subsequent reports for that reporting year must employ the same method. That being the case, this is a very good time to consider whether it makes sense to change. There are advantages and disadvantages to each method and the decision to change your method should be made after careful consideration. Here are just a few important differences to keep in mind when considering a new method election for 2012:
- The IRC method allows an organization to employ only one tracking system for both tax and LDA purposes;
- The IRC method provides a greatly narrowed definition of communications with executive branch officials;
- Under the LDA method, neither grassroots nor state and local lobbying expenditures are included.
If you think it may make sense to consider a change in your calculating method, please let us know and we’d be happy to assist in a more thorough analysis.
You can directly submit questions for this feature, and we will select those most appropriate and answer them here. Send your questions to: marketing@stateandfed.com.
(We are always available to answer questions from clients that are specific to your needs, and we encourage you to continue to call or e-mail us with questions about your particular company or organization. As always, we will confidentially and directly provide answers or information you need.) Our replies to your questions are not legal advice. Instead, these replies represent our analysis of laws, rules, and regulations.
January 30, 2012 •
News You Can Use Digest – January 30, 2012
Here are highlights from the latest edition of News You Can Use:
Study Finds Compliance Officers Are Highly Stressed
Ex-Gingrich Adviser Now Trying to Close Lobbying Loopholes
Gabrielle Giffords Bids an Emotional Farewell to Congress
From the States and Municipalities:
Campaign Donation Limits Lifted
Ethics Bill Gets Cool Reception in Georgia House
Think Hawaii’s Tough on Ethics? Try Iowa
Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren Pledge to Curb Outside Campaign Spending
New Mexico
Protesters Scuffle with [Lawmakers]
Cleveland Television Station Covering High-Profile Ohio Bribery Trial with On-Air Puppet Help
Lobbyists Sponsor Party for Kasich
Ethics Proposal Would Allow Lobbyists to Skirt Spending Limit, Buy Meals for Oklahoma Lawmakers
Limits Raised on Philly Campaign Contributions
Gym Fees? Utah Politicians Find Loophole in Ethics Law
Appeals Court: Top 2 Primary OK, but not recall contribution limits
State and Federal Communications produces a weekly summary of national news, offering more than 80 articles per week focused on ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance.
News You Can Use is a news service provided at no charge only to clients of our online Executive Source Guides, or ALERTS™ consulting clients.
January 27, 2012 •
Bill Proposes Lobbyist Statute Alterations in Vermont
Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Would be Affected
Senator Jeanette K. White has introduced Senate Bill 150, a bill concerning lobbyist registration and reporting. The bill proposes the removal of the ability to register within 48 hours of beginning to lobby and would require all lobbyists to register prior to lobbying, employers to register prior to engaging a lobbyist, and lobbying firms to file their lobbyist listings prior to the lobbyists commencing lobbying activities.
The bill also requires lobbying firms to update their listing of lobbyists before any new lobbyist commences lobbying activities and within 48 hours of a lobbyist’s termination. Finally, the threshold on reportable gifts to legislators would be decreased from $15 to $10.
If passed in present form, the changes would take effect July 1, 2012.
January 27, 2012 •
Highlighted Site of the Week – The FEC’s 2012 Campaign Finance Maps
“Campaign finance information is now available via easy to use maps of the USA for both Presidential and House and Senate elections through the most recent reporting period.”
Our Highlighted Site of the Week is the Federal Election Commission’s 2012 Campaign Finance Maps page. You can play with interactive maps of the states for information about the 2012 Presidential Candidates, or the House and Senate elections.
With just a mouse-over you can view the amount of contributions by state, and with just a bit more work you can search the amount received by each candidate, and the amount given by a donor’s name.
For the presidential races, you can drill down in each state for data down to the zip code level. For the candidates in the congressional elections, you can view the campaign finance information by the congressional district of each state.
January 26, 2012 •
Thursday News Roundup
Lobbying after the State of the Union Address, more news about Super PACs, and lobbying spending was down in 2011:
“Days After SOTU Are Full of Lobbyist Feedback” by Kate Ackley in Roll Call.
“Super PACs’ money could tip balance of power in Congress” by Martina Stewart in CNN Politics.
“Lobbying dips sharply in 2011” by Dan Eggen in the Washington Post.
“Lobbying spending falls for first time since 1999” by Kevin Bogardus in The Hill.
January 26, 2012 •
Alaska Online Lobbyist Filing System Will Be Offline for an Hour
Insight should be back online this afternoon.
The online filing system, Insight, will be offline today, January 26, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (EST). Filers who attempt to access the system during this time risk losing data.
A separate notice will be sent by the Alaska Public Offices Commission if the fix takes longer than proposed.
Questions can be addressed to Joan Mize at (907) 465-4865.
January 25, 2012 •
Today’s News Snapshot: SOTU, Gingrich, Super PACs, and more
The day after the State of the Union Address brings a flurry of activity in campaign finance and lobbying news.
Campaign Finance
“Obama says Congress should stop campaign bundling by lobbyists” by Kevin Bogardus on The Hill.
“Super PACs set sights on 2012 congressional races” by Fredreka Schouten in USAToday.
“Super PACs drive a near-doubling in federal election spending” by Jim Galloway in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
“Wis. governor fights recall with out-of-state cash” by The Associated Press on CBS Money Watch.
“Gingrich says $1.65M contract wasn’t for lobbying” by The Associated Press.
“Ex-Gingrich Adviser Now Trying to Close Lobbying Loopholes” by Eliza Newlin Carney and Kate Ackley on Roll Call.
“Ethics bill gets cool reception in Ga. House” by Chris Joyner and Christopher Quinn in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
“Clerk reports on lobbyist activity in Cook County” by The Associated Press in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.