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Today the Legislature adjourned sine die. Gov. Greg Abbott has 20 days after transmittal of bills sent at the end of the session to sign or veto the legislation. If the governor does not act on a bill, it becomes […]

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The North Dakota Legislature is set to reconvene for a special session on June 16, 2015. The House and Senate failed to reach an agreement during the regular session on a budget bill for the public employee retirement system and […]

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The Washington Legislature adjourned its first special session on Thursday, May 28, 2015, only to immediately convene a second special session on Friday, May 29, 2015. Gov. Jay Inslee called the second special session as a result of lawmakers’ inability […]

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The first session of the 104th Legislature adjourned sine die today, May 29, 2015, on the 89th day of the scheduled 90-day session. Senators passed 272 bills into law, including an $8.7 billion two-year budget. The second session of the […]

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The First Extraordinary Session of the 90th General Assembly adjourned on Thursday, May 28. Lawmakers spent much of the three day session discussing, and ultimately approving, a bill to move the state’s 2016 primary and nonpartisan judicial elections from May […]

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The Miami-Dade Clerk of the Courts has announced a new online lobbyist registration system will launch on June 1, 2015. Current lobbyist information will be transferred to the new system and lobbyists will receive temporary log in information via email […]

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Gov. Dannel Malloy has signed a bill amending the code of ethics. Senate Bill 850, now known as Public Act 15-15, creates an additional exception to the definition of expenditure, adds to the list of who is not included in […]

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On May 26, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed a lower court’s ruling in Lair v. Bullock. The lower court concluded Montana’s political contribution limits were unconstitutionally low. The appellate court found the lower district court […]

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The First Regular Session of the 55th Oklahoma Legislature adjourned sine die on May 22, 2015, one week ahead of its scheduled deadline. The Second Session will convene on February 1, 2016. Photo of the Oklahoma State Capitol by Caleb […]

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A special election has been set for July 14, 2015. The election will be held to fill vacant seats in House Districts 48, 80, 146, and 155. If necessary, a runoff election will be held on August 11, 2015. Photo […]

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The Suffolk County Legislature passed a resolution on May 12, 2015, to strengthen county lobbying law. Resolution 356 amends the definition of lobbying to include every person or organization retained, employed, or designated by any client to engage in lobbying […]

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The Minnesota Legislature will likely convene a special session after Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed the state’s education budget. Unless law makers can come to an agreement on an education budget before July 1, the state Department of Education will shut […]

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On May 20, Assembly Bill 273, which would require a cooling-off period before Nevada state legislators can act as paid lobbyists, passed the Senate. The Assembly passed this bill on April 15. If signed into law, a former legislator could […]

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The state’s legislature has agreed to a bill amending the code of ethics. Senate Bill 850, now known as Public Act 15-15, creates an additional exception to the definition of expenditure, adds to who is not included in the definition […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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