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Texas ethics overhaul, Senate Bill 14, passed unanimously in the Senate this week and is headed to the House. Gov. Greg Abbott released a statement praising the Senate’s swift movement, stating his confidence the comprehensive reforms will be passed. An […]

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The Senate unanimously passed a campaign finance bill prohibiting the personal use of campaign funds. Senate Bill 2689, passed with little debate, is nearly identical to a House-Senate conference measure from last year. The House, earlier in this legislative session, […]

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Vermont has increased contribution limits to candidates, PACs, and political parties. By statute, contribution limits are reevaluated and adjusted based on the Consumer Price Index. A 2.1 percent increase was implemented allowing statewide candidates and PACs to receive $4,080 per […]

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Tuesday was the last day for bills in the 2017 session of the Wyoming Legislature to be approved in the house of origin. All bills, with the exception of the budget bill, that have not passed a third reading in […]

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On Tuesday, Phoenix City Council voted unanimously to move forward with creating a bipartisan ethics commission. The commission would screen allegations and recommend penalties for city officials who violate the city’s gift policies and other related rules. Under a plan laid out by […]

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The Tennessee Registry of Election Finance recently published updated contribution limits for 2017 and 2018 elections. The limits are adjusted in every odd-numbered year based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. Individuals may now contribute $4,000 per election to […]

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Lawmakers are currently considering a bill to strengthen the state’s ethics laws. Senate Bill 8 would, among other things, prohibit legislators and executive officers from becoming a lobbyist for one year after leaving office; create an ethics commission to, in […]

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The Tampa Ethics Office launched an online system for lobbyists to log meetings with city officials. The system replaces the paper lobbyist disclosure form. Just like in the past, a log entry must be submitted within three days of a […]

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February 6, 2017  •  

Louisiana Special Session Called

Gov. John Bel Edwards has called a special session of the Louisiana Legislature. The special session will convene at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 13, and must adjourn by midnight on February 22. The governor wants the Legislature to address […]

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On Thursday, February 2, Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed House Bill 1069 into law. The passage of this bill repeals Initiated Measure 22, which was the voter approved ethics and campaign finance overhaul that established various lobbying and campaign finance restrictions. […]

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A bill was filed this week seeking to eliminate the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices and split the duties between the attorney general and the secretary of state. Under House Bill 340, the secretary of state would be […]

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Reviving his concern from last year’s legislative session, Sen. Ernie Chambers introduced a bill to prevent lawmakers from accepting meals from lobbyists in the Capitol. Legislative Bill 445 is similar to a proposal Sen. Chambers sponsored last year, but it […]

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The Montana Supreme Court ruled Commissioner of Political Practices Jonathon Motl’s term has expired, but he must remain in office until a replacement is found. A lawsuit was filed in December 2016 claiming Motl, who was appointed to the position […]

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The South Dakota Senate voted 27-8 to approve House Bill 1069, advancing the bill to repeal Initiated Measure 22 to Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s desk. Initiated Measure 22 is the voter approved ethics and campaign finance overhaul that established various lobbying […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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