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The Oklahoma Legislature adjourned sine die on Friday, May 26. As a result, all rule amendments proposed and approved by the Oklahoma Ethics Commission became law. Effective immediately the lobbyist registration renewal deadline has been extended from December 31 to […]

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The first special session of 2017, adjourned sine die around 3:00 a.m., on May 26, 2017. Lawmakers passed a public works package and other pieces of the budget. Gov. Mark Dayton is expected to sign all of the legislation passed […]

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On May 23, Rep. Mitch Greenlick introduced House Joint Resolution 32, proposing a ballot measure to impose a $500 limit on political contributions from any organization that gets more than half of its funding from public sources. HJR 32 seeks […]

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On May 23, the Washington Legislature adjourned its first special session sine die. Lawmakers were unable to reach agreement on a budget bill during the session forcing Gov. Jay Inslee to call for a second 30-day special session to start […]

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The Phoenix City Council voted this week to amend the city’s lobbying ordinance to create sanctions for those who don’t comply with the lobbyist registration or expense disclosure rules. Current city code includes no punishment for those who ignore the rules. The […]

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The Missouri Ethics Commission recently issued a campaign finance advisory opinion differentiating between political parties and political party committees for the application and enforcement of voter approved contribution limits. The $25,000 aggregate limit on contributions to a political party does […]

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Gov. Rick Scott has issued an executive order setting a special election for House District 116. Rep. Jose Felix Diaz is leaving his post to run for the Senate District 40 seat vacated following Frank Artiles’ resignation. The primary and […]

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The Nebraska Legislature adjourned sine die today, May 23, 2017. Much of the session consisted of battles over the state budget and a plan to cut taxes. Gov. Pete Ricketts’ plan to cut income and property tax stalled in the […]

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There will be a special election held on September 26 to fill the seat for state House District 31. Rep. Harold Mitchell recently vacated the seat after serving 13 years in the South Carolina Legislature. He was granted medical leave […]

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The 2017 Minnesota regular legislative session adjourned late on Monday, May 22, 2017. The legislators failed to pass a $46 billion spending package. As a result, the Legislature immediately entered into a special session at 12:01 a.m., on May 23, […]

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South Carolina lawmakers scheduled a three-day special legislative session before adjourning the regular session on May 11. The special session is expected to begin today. Because state law requires it, House Speaker Jay Lucas will gavel it in but then […]

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Missouri lawmakers will return to work today as the General Assembly convenes a special legislative session. Following the May 12 adjournment of the regular session, Gov. Eric Greitens hinted a special session was imminent and called for the session just […]

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Gov. Bill Walker ordered Alaska legislators into a special session just minutes after the regular session adjourned. Lawmakers have been unable to agree on how to resolve the state’s annual $2.7 billion deficit. Majority House Democrats proposed a state income […]

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On Friday, Montana Gov. Steve Bullock vetoed a bill to increase the maximum allowable contributions from individuals and political action committees and place the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices under the jurisdiction of the state attorney general. Senate […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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