Jonathan Spontarelli, Author at State and Federal Communications - Page 42 of 238

Among the provisions in the 2,232-page federal 2018 spending bill passed by the U.S. House today were sections affecting campaign finance. One provision of the bill prohibits the Internal Revenue Service from issuing, revising, or finalizing any regulation, revenue ruling, […]

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Dane County Circuit Judge Josann Reynolds ruled Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker must call special elections to fill legislative vacancies. Two seats were left vacant in December when Republican lawmakers resigned to work in Walker’s administration. Reynolds, whom Walker appointed in […]

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North Dakota Secretary of State Al Jaeger approved the format of a petition to amend the state constitution to include an independent ethics commission. If voters approve, the ethics commission would be responsible for adopting rules related to elections, lobbying, […]

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Have you assessed the health and overall risks in your company’s government affairs compliance program? Reputation is your company’s most valued asset. A strong compliance program will help your company remain qualified for future contract opportunities and will save your […]

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Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed into law the DISCLOSE Act, a law requiring certain nonprofit organizations to file organizational statements and periodic disclosure statements with the Public Disclosure Commission. Under the new law, these organizations will be required to disclose […]

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On March 14, the second regular session of the 120th Indiana General Assembly adjourned with several bills pending on the floor. As a result, Gov. Eric Holcomb plans to call a special session for May. On top of the Holcomb’s […]

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Gov. Gary Herbert signed House Bill 320 this week, putting it into effect immediately. The bill expands the existing prohibition on contributions to legislators during a legislative session to also cover contributions to the lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, […]

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On March 20, a federal court found the Federal Election Commission (FEC) failed to interpret campaign finance laws correctly as applied to an outside group’s political activity during the 2010 federal elections. In 2012, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in […]

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The Florida Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) is one step closer to placing an ethics proposal on the November ballot. Proposal 39, creating an extended waiting period for state and local officials seeking to lobby after leaving office, was approved as […]

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The Maryland House of Delegates unanimously voted on Monday to strengthen the General Assembly’s sexual harassment policies to cover lobbyists. The bill authorizes a person to file a complaint with the State Ethics Commission against a regulated lobbyist who has […]

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An ad-hoc committee led by members of the Monterey County Board of Supervisors is starting a series of invitation-only meetings to discuss campaign finance reforms aimed at establishing contribution limits or a spending cap for all county elected officials. The […]

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The Board of Commissioners adopted a county ethics ordinance requiring additional disclosures from county candidates, elected officials, and certain county employees. The ordinance requires candidates, elected officials, and certain county employees to disclose interests in real property and in corporations. […]

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Gov. Kim Reynolds called a special election for Senate District 25. The special election has been called to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of State Sen. Bill Dix. Dix resigned after videos of the married lawmaker kissing a […]

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Once every 20 years, the Florida Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) convenes for the purpose of reviewing the state’s Constitution and proposing changes for voter consideration. The CRC travels around the state for approximately one year to identify issues, perform research, […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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