Jonathan Spontarelli, Author at State and Federal Communications - Page 193 of 238

The Philadelphia Board of Ethics approved amendments to the city’s campaign finance rules this week. Included in the amendments is a more expansive definition of third party support of a candidate. Campaign materials produced by a candidate and subsequently used […]

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The October Akron Roundtable luncheon featured Kent State University President Dr. Beverly Warren. Dr. Warren adjusted her scheduled presentation “Reflections from a New Northeast Ohioan” to address the dramatic events of the past 24 hours revolving around the Ebola crisis. […]

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The State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC) used unusually strong language while asking the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to prevent the Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee (CDSCC) from using federally designated funds for a state race. The state party has requested […]

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Executive Director Jeff Brindle of the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission issued a statement urging the state Legislature to amend existing pay-to-play law. He claims constitutional challenges to federal laws may have ramifications on New Jersey’s law, and a […]

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A federal judge in Indianapolis ruled the statute delineating how Marion Superior judges are elected is unconstitutional. The election of Marion Superior judges is unique, as Republican and Democratic parties may nominate up to half of the open positions. Furthermore, […]

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The campaign contribution limits have been lifted for candidates in the Chicago mayoral race. Under state law, the limits are lifted for all candidates in a local race once a candidate in said race exceeds $100,000 in contributions to his […]

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Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald proposed an amendment at Tuesday’s County Council meeting seeking to clarify the county’s code in light of an independent county board ruling. The Debarment Review Board, a panel largely made up of FitzGerald appointees, effectively […]

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On Tuesday, October 14, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Citizens United may air a documentary slamming Colorado liberals without disclosing its backers. The conservative group argued Colorado campaign finance laws burden some speakers while protecting others, in violation […]

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U.S. District Judge Rudolph Randa ordered Wisconsin officials to stop enforcing the state law prohibiting certain coordination between candidate campaigns and independent groups. Randa’s order came in a lawsuit filed by Citizens for Responsible Government Advocates against the state Government […]

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The Washington Legislative Ethics Board held a board meeting on October 14, 2014 to finalize rules defining “infrequent occasions” in the context of free meals accepted by state legislators. Section 42.52.150(5) of the Revised Code of Washington allows public officials […]

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The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has given notice of proposed amendments to regulations in Title 2, Division 6 of the California Code of Regulations. The FPPC will make adjustments to the gift and campaign contribution limits to reflect changes […]

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The fall sitting of the first session of the 33rd Yukon Legislative Assembly will convene on Thursday, October 23, 2014. The assembly will adjourn on a date to be determined.

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A proposed constitutional amendment on the November 4, 2014, ballot will determine whether voters are willing to extend term limits for state lawmakers in exchange for strict ethics laws for lobbyists and corporations. Issue 3 will ban corporate and union […]

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Oklahoma’s Revised Constitutional Ethics Rules will go into effect at staggered intervals between December 2014 and February 2015. The new rules will affect the majority of lobbying and campaign finance laws. Provisions pertaining to lobbyist registration are effective December 1. […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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