government contracts Archives - State and Federal Communications

Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill requiring persons submitting bids or proposals of $100,000 or more to state agencies to certify they are in compliance with the Unruh Civil Rights Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing […]

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New Jersey law requires every business receiving $50,000 in government contracts in a calendar year to file a Business Entity Annual Statement (Form BE) with the Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) by March 30 of the following year. ELEC recently […]

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Q. I want to contribute to an acquaintance in Maryland.  I know there are pay-to-play restrictions.  What are my personal limitations? A. Is your company “doing public business” with the state of Maryland?  “Doing public business” means having a single […]

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President Obama could soon issue an executive order requiring federal contractors to disclose political campaign contributions, according to the New York Times. On January 19, White House officials said the president is “seriously considering” the order, as reported by the […]

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On January 19, the U.S. Supreme Court denied an appeal arguing against a federal law banning political contributions to candidates from federal contractors. Last year, in Miller v. Federal Election Commission, formerly Wagner v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. District […]

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The South Carolina Department of Transportation is instituting a new rule regarding employees who leave state employment to work for state contractors. The new policy will prohibit former employees from working on new road construction projects for 365 days after […]

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Gov. Mike Pence has cancelled a contract between the state Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) and Express MVA and requested an investigation due to possible ethics violations. Shawn Walters, formerly the BMV chief of staff, had approved Express MVA’s opening […]

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Federal contractors may be required to provide “paid leave to employees who are sick, are seeking medical attention or need to care for a sick relative,” according to an article published in today’s New York Times. The paper says it […]

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Last week the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia unanimously upheld the constitutionality of the law barring contractors from contributing to candidates, parties, and candidates’ and parties’ committees. Plaintiffs had challenged the constitutionality of 52 U.S.C. […]

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October 24, 2014  •  

Pennsylvania Pay-to-Play Law Signed by Governor

Gov. Tom Corbett has signed a bill to curtail pay-to-play politics in state procurement contracts. House Bill 201 prohibits individuals who were employed by an offeror within the previous two years from participating in the evaluation of proposals. The new […]

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The Pennsylvania House of Representatives approved a bill Wednesday to curtail pay-to-play politics in state contracts. House Bill 201 prohibits state employees from evaluating contract proposals submitted by companies they worked for during the previous two years. The legislation has […]

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Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald proposed an amendment at Tuesday’s County Council meeting seeking to clarify the county’s code in light of an independent county board ruling. The Debarment Review Board, a panel largely made up of FitzGerald appointees, effectively […]

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Republican attorney general candidate Shane McCormack is calling for tougher campaign finance rules for those holding the office. McCormack’s proposal would ban current service providers from contributing to a sitting attorney general and would prevent a donor from becoming a […]

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On Monday, October 8, 2014, the Metropolitan King County Council passed an ordinance establishing a living wage. Ordinance 2014-0299 applies to all county employees and to county contractors with contracts totaling more than $100,000. Beginning April 1, 2015, Schedule I […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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