revolving door Archives - Page 4 of 6 - State and Federal Communications

City Council passed the Oakland Government Ethics Act towards the end of an eight-hour meeting during the early hours of December 10. In November, voters overwhelmingly approved a measure to strengthen the city’s Public Ethics Commission (PEC). Measure CC, a […]

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The Office of Management and Budget issued revised guidance on August 13, 2014, regarding the prohibition against appointing or re-appointing federal lobbyists to serve on advisory committees, boards, and commissions. The revised guidance clarifies the ban only applies to federal […]

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The Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners approved an ordinance lengthening the county’s revolving door prohibition. Under current law, the revolving door restriction period is two years. Ordinance 141569 amends existing county law by prohibiting county officials and their staff members […]

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A bill expanding revolving door restrictions passed the House and now goes to the Senate for consideration. House Bill 82 prohibits former statewide elected officials, public regulation commissioners, legislators, and cabinet secretaries from accepting compensation as lobbyists for a period […]

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Missouri legislators made ethics a top priority at the start of their legislative session. The Legislature convened on January 8 and members filed at least 10 bills addressing issues such as lobbyist registration, gifts to public officials, campaign contribution limits, […]

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Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh introduced a bill in the Senate of Alabama on Tuesday that would impose stricter revolving door prohibitions on legislators. Senate Bill 36 redefines “legislative body” as “Legislature of Alabama”, which eliminates the current loophole […]

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The Chicago Board of Ethics recently posted two new publications on its website, both of which outline ethics restrictions for city officials. The first addresses, among other things, general conflicts of interest, lobbying on behalf of others, financial interests in […]

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Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh filed a bill to be considered during the Alabama Legislature’s upcoming session, beginning January 14, 2014. The bill would ban a former legislator for a period of two years from lobbying members of either […]

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September 23, 2013  •  

Spokane Proposes Ethics Upgrade

Changes would expand scope

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Act 486 requires one-year wait to lobby

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Bills were priorities of Senate President

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State does not currently have a cooling off period before lobbying

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Possible changes to gift law and revolving door provisions

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September 25, 2012  •  

Federal Revolving Door Bills

House Resolutions 6424 and 5737

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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