State Archives - Page 99 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy

On February 19, Gov. Murphy released a legislative package of Ethics and Transparency Reforms. The legislative package contains five bills with the aim to strengthen restrictions on lobbying, enhance financial disclosures, and increase public access. The lobbying bill requires lobbying […]

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Illinois State Capitol Building

Lawmakers introduced legislation to expand the definition of lobbying  to include promoting or opposing the passage of any local legislative matter by a unit of local government. House Bill 5468, sponsored by Rep. Maurice A. West, defines local legislative matter […]

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San Francisco, California - Noahnmf

U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer will uphold the bulk of a San Francisco ordinance requiring political ads to disclose top donors and secondary funding sources. Proposition F requires print, audio, and video political ads disclose the top three donors who […]

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Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy

The Alaska Supreme Court issued an order allowing the campaign to recall Gov. Mike Dunleavy to begin collecting signatures. The decision reverses a lower court ruling pausing signature gathering and putting the case on an extremely speedy schedule by the […]

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Iowa Capitol Building - Ashton B Crew

State Rep. Joel Fry introduced a bill amending lobbyist reporting requirements. House File 2217 will require lobbyist client reports to be filed with the Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board instead of the General Assembly. Additionally, documentation verifying all information in […]

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Utah Capitol Building - Jkinsocal

A compromise over filling congressional vacancies progressed on February 11, earning passage through the House on a party-line vote. House Bill 17 seeks to resolve years of dispute that began in 2017 with the resignation of former Rep. Jason Chaffetz. […]

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Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt

Gov. Kevin Stitt issued an executive order on February 3 designed to prune state regulations by 25%. Executive Order 2020-03 has two main requirements. First, state agencies must review their administrative rules and list any that are expensive, ineffective, redundant, […]

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Idaho Capitol Building - JSquish

At the request of Idaho Secretary of State Lawerence Denney, and in consultation with the office of the Governor, the Idaho Office of the Secretary of State is extending the February 10 filing deadline for PACs and candidates under the […]

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Maine Capitol Building

Legislative Document 54, sponsored by Senator Justin Chenette, became law without Gov. Janet Mill’s signature. The bill extended the current law prohibiting the governor, members of the Legislature, constitutional officers, and their staff from soliciting and accepting contributions from a […]

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Executive Director David Theile - Forum News Service

David Thiele became the Executive Director of the newly formed Ethics Commission at the beginning of the year and chaired the first meeting of the commission January 22. Thiele, a Bismarck resident and former judge advocate for the U.S. Army, […]

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San Francisco, California - Noahnmf

A federal judge in San Francisco will hear arguments on February 14 on a free speech challenge to the new donor disclosure rules enacted by city voters in November. U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer will consider the Yes on B […]

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Pennsylvania Capitol Building

On February 3, State Representative Melissa Shusterman introduced a bill amending the revolving door provision. The bill requires public officials to wait one year after their term of office before lobbying. House Bill 2263 establishes a lifetime ban for public […]

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New Jersey Capitol Building

On February 3, a bill was introduced in the New Jersey Assembly establishing the Local Governmental Process Activities Disclosure Act. Assembly Bill 2432 extends the same disclosure, reporting, and other requirements that govern the activities of governmental affairs agents to […]

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Rep. Joseph Sanchez is resigning from his House District 40 seat to run for election to the 3rd Congressional District. Sanchez previously defeated Tweeti Blancett in the general election for the seat on November 6, 2018. The race for the […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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