State Archives - Page 278 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

Veteran state Sen. Don Balfour lost re-election in the primary on Tuesday, May 20, 2014. Balfour is the longest-serving Senate Republican and was acquitted last year of charges he improperly billed the state for travel expenses. Former Gwinnett County Commissioner […]

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The 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has upheld political committee disclosure requirements of California’s Political Reform Act of 1974. The ProtectMarriage.Com et al. v. Bowen et al. decision denied a challenge to semiannual disclosures requiring the identification of individuals […]

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Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin signed three ethics bills into law on Monday, May 19. The new laws coincide with proposed Ethics Commission Rules affecting the regulation of lobbyists and campaign finance. The Rules, promulgated by the Ethics Commission in January, […]

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A provision in Minnesota’s campaign finance law known as the “special sources limit” will no longer be enforced as applied to individual large donors. U.S. District Judge Donovan Frank issued a preliminary injunction barring enforcement of the law with respect […]

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The Ethics Commission’s website is currently inaccessible due to repeated DDOS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks on the commission’s website hosting vendor. The Commission’s electronic filing systems remain accessible here. Status updates regarding the commission’s website are available here.

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The Assembly is now considering a bill passed by the Senate to further restrict gifts to lawmakers. Senate Bill 1443 prohibits all gifts from lobbyists and reduces the value of gifts state officials can receive from a non-lobbyist source to […]

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The Vermont attorney general has issued guidance regarding the state’s contribution limits effective through the end of the year. His guidance interprets the $1,000 per election limit as meaning a candidate may accept a total of $2,000 for the 2013-2014 […]

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May 19, 2014  •  

Minnesota Legislature Adjourns

The Minnesota Legislature adjourned sine die on Friday, May 16, 2014. The Legislature passed a $1 billion public works construction package in addition to voting to legalize medical marijuana in a session described by some as one of the most […]

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The State Elections Enforcement Commission has announced it will no longer enforce the state’s aggregate contribution limit after the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC. At its May 14 meeting, the Commission determined the McCutcheon decision called into […]

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Without a single candidate securing a majority of votes in Tuesday’s election, Trenton voters must head to the polls for a second time to elect a mayor. A runoff election is scheduled for Tuesday, June 10. Eric Jackson, the former […]

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In late 2013, the New York City Council passed Local Law 129 of 2013, making many changes to current lobbying law in the city and surrounding boroughs. Many of the new law’s provisions are effective today, May 16, 2014. The […]

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The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has declared portions of the state’s campaign finance laws restricting issue advertising unconstitutional. Wisconsin Right to Life Inc. and its state political action committee sued the Government Accountability Board (GAB) to prevent enforcement […]

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Attorney General William Sorrell issued a formal opinion confirming the state’s current contribution limits will remain in effect through the 2014 elections. Early in the legislative session, Vermont enacted Senate Bill 82, repealing the existing campaign finance law upon passage […]

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Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill to close “dark money” loopholes used to avoid disclosure of campaign contributors. Senate Bill 27 requires large donations from nonprofits and other multipurpose organizations to be disclosed. The top 10 contributors to state […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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