State Archives - Page 209 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

Gov. Asa Hutchinson was the subject of a probable cause hearing scheduled by the Ethics Commission on July 22, 2016. Attorney Matt Campbell filed a complaint on March 31, claiming Hutchinson violated campaign practices law by campaigning for other candidates […]

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St. Petersburg Councilwoman Darden Rice will introduce a proposed ordinance to abolish super PACs and ensure foreign money stays out of city elections. The ordinance would establish limits for independent expenditure committees and would require corporations contributing money to local […]

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A legislative committee has voted against a proposed bill to finance Suffolk County candidates’ campaigns with future casino revenues and to increase term limits from two to four years. Specifics of the bill include a 4-to-1 match for donations up […]

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On July 21, California’s Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) approved a regulation to further clarify the definition of “lobbyist.” The regulation creates a rebuttable presumption that all compensation from a person for services that include direct communication with a qualifying […]

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The Hawaii State Legislature adjourned its special session sine die on Wednesday, July 20. Prior to adjournment, lawmakers voted to override Gov. David Ige’s veto of a bill to authorize severance benefits or early retirement incentives for employees who would […]

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On July 20, a federal court ruled the city of Austin’s campaign contribution blackout period unconstitutional. The blackout period allowed officeholders, candidates, and their respective committees to only accept campaign contributions during the last 180 days before an election or […]

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Sen. Todd Kaminsky and Representative Charles Lavine have introduced a new bill which would amend the penal law relating to unlawful giving. Senate Bill 8169 would close a loophole allowing public officials to receive or give gifts or benefits in […]

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State Sen. John Arthur Smith, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, and Treasurer Tim Eichenberg, have requested Gov. Susana Martinez to call a special session of the Legislature. The oil and gas slowdown has significantly affected the state’s budget, bringing […]

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Former House Speaker Ken Martinez has resigned from the Legislature, effective Wednesday, July 20. Because Martinez was not seeking re-election this year, Harry Garcia, a businessman from Grants, has already been elected to Martinez’s seat serving House District 69, beginning […]

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On July 19, the Rhode Island Ethics Commission voted unanimously to bar people from filing ethics complaints 90 days before a general election. The commission still reserved the right to lodge its own internal complaints during the 90-day period. With […]

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The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Kansas secretary of state, Kris Kobach, over a temporary regulation tossing votes from individuals who registered at a state motor vehicle office. The ACLU claims the regulation violates both Kansas law and […]

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On July 18, the Alaska Legislature adjourned its fifth special session. The Legislature failed to pass any deficit reduction measures the special session was called to address. Following the unsuccessful eight day session, it is expected that further work towards […]

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Gov. Mark Dayton, Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, and House Speaker Kurt Daudt have tentatively agreed to call a special legislative session during the third week of August. The governor and lawmakers have met several times since the Legislature adjourned […]

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July 15, 2016  •  

Utah Special Session Adjourns

On July 13, the Utah Legislature adjourned its special session sine die. Lawmakers voted for the state to allocate up to $10 million in funds for a new stadium in the Fairpark area of Salt Lake City. An additional bill […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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