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The Senate Committee on Legislative Procedure is considering a new rule to ban lobbyists from the chamber and adjacent hallways during working hours. The committee is expected to reconvene tomorrow for a vote on the proposal. If adopted, Senate President […]

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The Colorado Independent Ethics Commission recently issued a position statement notifying home-rule municipalities of its intent to consider ethics complaints against local officials and employees if their local ethics codes are less restrictive than state law. Constitutional Amendment 41, passed […]

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January 16, 2017  •  

Louisiana Special Session Likely

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said on Friday a special session of the legislature is likely necessary to remedy a $313 million deficit in the state’s budget. Gov. Edwards stated last week that any deficit beyond $300 million would automatically […]

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According to the American Civil Liberties Union (A.C.L.U.) and New York Civil Liberties Union (N.Y.C.L.U.), Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will not enforce certain provisions of the ethics law passed in 2016. Specifically, Schneiderman is holding off on enforcing provisions of […]

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Montana Attorney General Tim Fox and Republican legislators say that rulings made by Commissioner of Political Practices Jonathan Motl in 2017 could be challenged by those affected if the court does not have the authority to change his confirmation. Motl […]

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A Missouri ethics bill, being fast-tracked through the House, cleared committee yesterday with just three dissenting votes. The bill would prohibit legislators from receiving certain gifts from lobbyists. Exemptions to the proposed ban would include honorary plaques, flowers and gifts […]

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Republican Attorney General Josh Hawley implemented a new ethics policy on Tuesday, January 10. His employees are now prohibited from accepting gifts from lobbyists. The policy also prohibits staff from discussing business of the attorney general’s office with anyone attempting […]

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Gov. Terry McAuliffe announced he will send the General Assembly a package of proposals aimed at campaign finance and voter law reforms. The campaign finance proposal will seek to ban the personal use of campaign funds and he would like […]

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Yesterday, the U.S Supreme Court issued a temporary stay on a lower court order to hold special elections in November 2017 for North Carolina General Assembly seats in unconstitutionally gerrymandered districts. The temporary stay of the lower court’s decision will […]

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Gov. Terry Branstad called a special election for House District 89. Democrat Jim Lykam resigned after winning the Senate District 45 seat previously held by Sen. Joe Seng, who passed away on September 16, 2016. The special election for House […]

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Almost immediately upon being sworn in as Missouri governor, Eric Greitens issued an executive order banning lobbyist gifts to executive branch employees. The order also establishes a revolving door provision, prohibiting gubernatorial staff from lobbying his office after leaving their […]

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The Montana First Judicial District Court issued an order to let Commissioner of Political Practices Jonathon Motl stay in office until a case to extend his appointment is heard, reserving the ending date issue for determination by the Court. A […]

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Last week, a panel of three judges granted Gov. Roy Cooper’s request for the state to temporarily refrain from overhauling the elections board until his active lawsuit is resolved. Cooper proposed the constitutional separation of powers are overlooked in a […]

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Gov. Scott Walker called the Wisconsin Legislature into special session on Thursday, January 5.  The Legislature is currently in regular session; a special session operates under different rules to speed up the legislative process. Citing a public health crisis, Walker […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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