State Archives - Page 155 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

The city of San Jose is transitioning to an electronic system for filing weekly lobbyist reports. To file weekly reports, a lobbyist must register to create an account on the Weekly Lobbyist Reporting Form portal at the city clerk’s website. […]

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Nashville Mayor Megan Barry resigned yesterday, March 6, after pleading guilty to felony theft of property exceeding $10,000. Barry misappropriated city funds over the course of two years to bankroll an affair with the head of her security detail. As […]

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March 6, 2018  •  

Oregon Legislature Adjourns

On March 3, the Oregon Legislature adjourned its biennial short session. Bills passed strengthen domestic violence laws, create a task force to study opioid addiction treatment barriers and implement a peer support program, require more transparency from prescription drug manufacturers, and eliminate a […]

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The Louisiana Legislature adjourned a special legislative session on the state’s budget crisis on Monday night, two days before the session was scheduled end. During the session, Lawmakers were unable to reach a deal to close the state’s $994 million […]

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The Los Angeles, California City Ethics Commission announced the annual adjustments to campaign contribution limits. The contribution amount allowable per-person increased for mayoral, city attorney and controller elections, but not for Los Angeles City Council elections. The amounts apply to […]

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Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios is asking Circuit Court Judge Sanjay Tailor to void the county’s pay-to-play provisions. Current ethics rules limit campaign contributions from those who seek official action from the county. Berrios argues only the state has the […]

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The San Francisco, California Board of Supervisors and Ethics Commission may hold a joint meeting and possibly vote on a campaign finance reform measure on April 3. The Ethics Commission has spent two years drafting reforms regulating areas including behested […]

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The Colorado General Assembly will vote Friday on whether to expel a lawmaker; such a vote will be the first in more than a century. Democratic state Rep. Steve Lebsock is facing multiple accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct. House […]

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Michael Haas, administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, announced he is stepping down after Republican lawmakers rejected his confirmation last month. GOP lawmakers thought they had essentially fired Haas by failing to confirm him, but Haas initially disagreed with their […]

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The Georgia House of Representatives unanimously voted today to require lobbyists to sign an annual statement agreeing to abide by the General Assembly’s sexual harassment policy. House Bill 973 would make signing this statement a condition to lobbyist registration, and […]

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Sen. Del Marsh introduced an 119 page bill revising the Alabama Ethics Act. Senate Bill 343 amends several definitions, including but not limited to, de minimus, lobbyist, principal, and thing of value. The bill would allow caucuses to solicit or […]

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February 26, 2018  •  

Missouri Governor Indicted

Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens was indicted Thursday on a felony invasion of privacy charge related to the cover-up of an extramarital affair. Although he admits to having the affair, Greitens denies any criminal action and plans to remain in office. […]

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February 22, 2018  •  

2018 Utah Lobbying Bills

In the 2018 regularly scheduled legislative session, the Utah Legislature has introduced a handful of bills modifying the Lobbyist Disclosure and Regulation Act. Following a trend in state legislatures, House Bill 110 requires lobbyists to take an annual training course […]

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South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a bill into law expanding campaign finance disclosure requirements. House Bill 1003 requires candidates and committees to itemize any contribution received from an entity. An entity includes corporations, labor unions, and non-profits, as well […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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