revolving door Archives - Page 2 of 3 - State and Federal Communications

Once every 20 years, the Florida Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) convenes for the purpose of reviewing the state’s Constitution and proposing changes for voter consideration. The CRC travels around the state for approximately one year to identify issues, perform research, […]

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On December 13, a bill was entered in the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick prohibiting sitting lawmakers from engaging in lobbying in New Brunswick or elsewhere during and for 12 months after their tenure in office. Additionally, after a member […]

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The Oklahoma Ethics Commission held an informal meeting this week to review a proposed amendment regarding a cooling-off period for elected officials and state employees. The proposed amendment would require state employees and public officials to wait 2 years before […]

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Cabinet Ministers and other public officer holders in British Columbia will be prohibited from lobbying the government of British Columbia for two years after leaving office under a bill proposed in the legislature this week. Attorney-General David Eby, who announced […]

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A bill further restricting revolving door provisions was sent to Gov. Jerry Brown for consideration. Assembly Bill 1620 would change the current law prohibiting legislators from lobbying from one year to up to three years, depending on when he or […]

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Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 187 and Assembly Bill 551 into law on September 1, amending both lobbying and campaign finance laws. Assembly Bill 187 requires a committee to file a report within 10 business days of making a […]

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A revolving door bill introduced in the U.S. House would hold congressional salaries in escrow unless a fiscal budget is passed this week. House Bill 1951, The No Ongoing Perks Enrichment Act (NOPE ACT), which would establish a uniform five-year […]

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Wisconsin legislators introduced a bill to prohibit lawmakers from lobbying for at least one year after leaving legislative office. The bill, identical to a bill proposed during the last legislative session, was introduced with wide bipartisan support. Current state law […]

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A proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution seeks to slow the revolving door between public officials and lobbyists. Currently, members of the legislature, statewide officials, and appointed officials must wait two years before lobbying on behalf of a principal. The […]

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The Legislature sent a bill to Gov. Robert Bentley creating an exception to the current revolving door provision of the ethics law. Senate Bill 141 grants an exception to the two-year ban on lobbying for former government officials or employees […]

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The City Council heard two proposed ethics reforms at yesterday’s council meeting. An ordinance introduced to require political consultants working with Portland politicians to meet certain reporting and registration requirements was passed by the council and will go to a […]

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A revolving door ban, prohibiting legislators from serving in office one day and returning as lobbyists the next, has been a priority for the Missouri General Assembly as it considers sweeping ethics reform legislation. The House passed a bill earlier […]

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The Portland City Council will consider adopting new ethics reform measures to broaden the revolving door prohibition to two years, and increase the penalties associated with repeated ethics violations. The proposal would also close a loophole in registration requirements, requiring […]

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Attorney General Mike DeWine recently approved language for a proposed ethics amendment to the Ohio Constitution. The proposal includes a revolving door provision, including a two-year ban on former legislators doing business with the Legislature. The issue must be reviewed […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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