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Q. I will be attending several upcoming conferences where legislators and other public officials will be present.   I’m not a registered lobbyist at the state level—do I still need to worry about gift limits? A. Even if you are not […]

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Q. I recently became a registered lobbyist in my company’s home state.  I am also very active politically.  Are there any restrictions on my political contributions now that I am a registered lobbyist? A. An individual’s status as a registered […]

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Q. The Canadian branch of our company would like to set up some meetings with the federal government.  Does Canada have lobbying laws too? A. Canada does have lobbying laws at the federal, provincial, and even municipal levels of government. […]

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Q. Our organization is under the impression that we don’t have to register as lobbyists at the federal level if we keep our lobbying activity isolated to our internal employees.  I don’t think this is accurate.  Can you let me […]

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Q. Many of the state legislatures I lobby are currently in session. Does this affect when my lobbying reports are due? A. While some states have reporting schedules that do not vary from year to year, others tie their lobbyist […]

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Q. With the start of the New Year, are there any changes I should be aware of in political contribution limits?  A. Aside from changes as a result of new legislation, the most common adjustment of contribution limits is indexing […]

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Q. I will be having meetings with state legislators to introduce myself and my employer. I do not have any legislation of interest yet, though I anticipate that I will. Will this require lobbyist registration? A. Goodwill lobbying is covered […]

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Q. For federal income tax purposes, our organization has been using the aggregate amounts reported on our quarterly LD-2 lobbying activity report as our nondeductible lobbying expenses.  Can the expenditures we compile for LDA reporting be used interchangeably for tax […]

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Q. I am a registered lobbyist and have been asked to serve on a state board. Are there any laws preventing me from serving? A. Generally, there are no laws preventing a registered lobbyist from serving on a state board […]

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Q. I am a registered lobbyist, and I receive a contingency fee as part of my compensation.  Should I be worried? A. In a majority of jurisdictions, there are express provisions prohibiting registered lobbyists from receiving a contingency-based fee.  Every […]

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Q. I provided a state legislator with a permissible gift.  I will be sure to include it on my next report.  Is there anything else I need to know regarding proper disclosure of this expenditure. A. There are sometimes additional […]

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Q. Several employees from my organization engage in selling to the states.  Do they have any lobbyist registration or reporting requirements? A. The answer to your inquiry depends on two things:  first, does the state regulate procurement lobbying, and second, […]

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Q. Do gift laws preventing registered lobbyists and employers from giving gifts to public officials, also prohibit gifts to the family members of public officials? A. Generally, in states that feature a prohibition on lobbyists giving gifts to public officials […]

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Q. To streamline LDA tracking and reporting, our company includes 100 percent of our in-house lobbyists’ compensation as lobbying on our quarterly report.  Is this a reasonable approach? A. The LDA does not contain any special tracking requirements for reporting […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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