Washington Archives - State and Federal Communications

Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

The Legislature quietly adjourned sine die on March 7 after passing a procurement and campaign finance bill. House Bill 1471 modifies the state procurement procedures and revises definitions concerning competitive, sole source, convenience, and emergency goods and services contracts. Senate […]

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Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

The Public Disclosure Commission recently voted to adjust the lobbying reporting thresholds due to inflation. This was decided after a public hearing was held and is a continuation of a broader effort to update the thresholds through the state’s political […]

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Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

Q: I’ve had a few discussions with legislators in Washington. Do I need to register? A: Unlike some states that require registration before you begin lobbying, Washington is not a “first toe in the water state.” As a result, there […]

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Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

The Washington Legislature adjourned sin die on April 23. Lawmakers passed over 450 bills during the session, including a $69 billion dollar budget bill that raises pay for state employees and public-school teachers. Additionally, Senate Bill 5170 was signed into […]

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Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

The Public Disclosure Commission certified increases in reporting and contribution limits in response to inflation. The inflationary adjustments touch almost every threshold and limit. Contribution limits increase from $1,000 to $1,200 for state and county legislative candidates and from $2,000 […]

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King County, Washington voters have approved Charter Amendment 1. The amendment moves elections for county executive, county assessor, county director of elections, and county council members to even-numbered years. For each position currently in an odd-year term, the current term […]

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Flag of Washington

The Spokane City Council voted Monday to raise the individual donor limit to $1,000 and to clear redundancies in the city’s Fair Elections Code. The council decided, due to advances in Washington’s campaign finance statutes, that the city’s current campaign […]

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Flag of Washington

King County, WA has approved an amendment to the King County Charter to be sent to the voters during the November 8 election. The amendment moves elections for county executive, county assessor, county director of elections, and county councilmembers from […]

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Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

The Washington Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) has raised the threshold for reporting last-minute contributions from $1,000 to $1,500. Contributions of or exceeding $1,500 that occur within seven days of a primary election and 21 days before a general election must […]

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Seattle, WA - by Daniel Schwen

The Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission has raised the limit for contributions given to a candidate for mayor, City Council, or city attorney to $600 per election cycle. This limit only applies to candidates who are not participating in the […]

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Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

The Washington Legislature adjourned sine die March 10 after passing a $64.1 billion state budget and a nearly $17 billion transportation package. During the session, both houses passed Senate Bill 5196 and Senate Bill 5855. Senate Bill 5196 allows the […]

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Seattle City Hall - Rootology

I heard the city of Seattle requires reporting and registration for grassroots lobbying? Who is required to register and how do I comply with all reporting requirements? Yes, any person who spends $1,500 or more within three months or $750 […]

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January 6, 2022  •  

Washington Legislature Goes Virtual

Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

Washington’s fast-approaching 2022 legislative session has hit a bit of a snag with the rampant Omicron variant. The chief clerk of the House has announced that his chamber will hold its floor sessions remotely for the first two weeks of […]

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December 20, 2021  •  

Senator Ericksen Passes Away

Washington State Capitol Building - Cacophony

Republican Washington State Senator Doug Ericksen has passed away. Ericksen was in El Salvador when he contracted COVID-19 and was flown out to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for treatment. Whatcom County Council will fill the vacancy in the 42nd Legislative District […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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