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The day after the State of the Union Address brings a flurry of activity in campaign finance and lobbying news.

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Started on January 19, 2012.

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Lobbyists and Legislators to Dine Together Without Counting Toward Annual Limit

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Database to Link Lobbyists to Legislation

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Proposed two-year ban on lobbying for former lawmakers

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January 23, 2012  •  

A Look at Lobbying in 2011

As the lobbying reports are analyzed from 2011, news articles have been appearing in the last few days talking about what kind of year it was for the lobbying industry. Here are a few significant contributions:

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January 20, 2012  •  

Campaign Finance and Lobbying News

From Politico and Roll Call: The Occupy movement targets the Supreme Court in honor of the second anniversary of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, intense lobbying for a mention in the State of the Union Address, and K Street warms up to Romney with Perry’s departure.

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However you may feel about SOPA and PIPA, one thing became clear in the last day or so – something new has happened in the realm of lobbying. Here are three articles that take a look at the implications of the internet blackout from a government relations perspective:

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Voters to Consider Whether Restrictions on Non-Government Side Jobs Will Continue

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Legislation would expand loophole in lobbying restrictions

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January 16, 2012  •  

News You Can Use Digest – January 16, 2012

January 13, 2012  •  

Friday News Roundup

Here are some breaking news items for today:

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E-filing to Begin with February 15, 2012 Report

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Makes Electronic Lobbyist Filing Mandatory

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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