financial disclosure Archives - State and Federal Communications

Immediately following transparency complaints in early 2023, the state Senate moved to make financial disclosures of members available online. Now, the Senate has gone further and voted to mandate public disclosure of additional information about personal finances and potential conflicts […]

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The Michigan House introduced 13 new bills proposing fundamental changes for lobbying and disclosure laws. Changes proposed include requiring members of the Legislature and other public officials to file financial disclosure reports and prohibiting them from voting on bills if […]

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On December 4, the Tallahassee City Commission approved an ordinance amending the city’s ethics code. The ordinance expands the Independent Ethics Board’s jurisdiction to covered individuals including: Each public official An employee or member of a city board, commission, or […]

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Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther signed Executive Order 2016-01 on Tuesday, May 10, establishing ethics guidelines for public officials. Effective immediately, public officials and employees may not solicit or accept gifts or employment from anyone doing business with the city. They […]

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State Rep. Mike Reynolds is criticizing officials at the state Ethics Commission for offering proposed changes to lobbyist reporting and registration, conflict of interest, and financial disclosure rules. According to Reynolds, “the Ethics Commission seems to be declaring open season […]

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Trenton’s recently established ethics board passed the city’s first code of ethics last week. The long-awaited code outlines behavioral guidelines for elected officials, city employees, and representatives serving on city boards. Included are provisions regarding conflicts of interest, receipt of […]

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Last year, Maryland’s legislature passed a public ethics law, Title 15, after finding an erosion of public confidence in government decisions due to improper influence.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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