federal Archives - State and Federal Communications

The Lifetime Lobbying Ban Act was in introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The short three-page bill, which would repeal the current one- or two-year waiting period for former members of Congress to work as a federal lobbyist and […]

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      Federal: Lawmakers Push Review of New Member Events After Complaints Over Lobbyists at Harvard Orientation Washington Post – Jeff Stein | Published: 12/14/2018 Harvard invited lobbyists to speak at its orientation program for incoming members of Congress and paid for […]

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Among the amendments in the 2017 Consolidated Appropriations Act expected to pass into law this week are two provisions affecting campaign financing. House Resolution 244 explicitly prohibits the Internal Revenue Service from making new rules concerning the political speech or […]

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The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has reversed a lower court ruling and rejected the challenge from Maryland Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D) concerning a Federal Election Commission (FEC) rule about reporting of electioneering communications or advertisements […]

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Changes to the federal campaign finance laws may be included in the looming appropriations bill Congress considers this month. The Senate version of the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2016, Senate Bill 1910, contains language altering the law […]

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On June 2, U.S. Sen. Michael Bennett introduced Senate Bill 1480, The Lobbying and Campaign Finance Reform Act. According to Bennett’s press release, SB 1480 prohibits solicitations of campaign contributions from lobbyists when Congress is in session, eliminates lobbyist bundling […]

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The Office of Management and Budget issued revised guidance on August 13, 2014, regarding the prohibition against appointing or re-appointing federal lobbyists to serve on advisory committees, boards, and commissions. The revised guidance clarifies the ban only applies to federal […]

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Amendments proposed

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April 4, 2012  •  

Federal Filings Are Due This Month

Some insight about federal lobbying reports from President and CEO Elizabeth Bartz.

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Public Comment Sought

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December 9, 2010  •  

News You Can Use from the MSRB

The regulatory board releases a statement regarding municipal entities and advisors who have made political contributions.

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November 22, 2010  •  

$5,000 Contribution Limit Upheld

District Court Finds Law Constitutional

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Relief Sought by Foreign Nationals

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Measure now in Senate

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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