contributions Archives - State and Federal Communications

On December 19, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register seeking public comment on proposed regulations giving political contributors more privacy from public scrutiny. The proposals would establish procedures for contributors or […]

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The Washington Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) has raised the threshold for reporting last-minute contributions from $1,000 to $1,500. Contributions of or exceeding $1,500 that occur within seven days of a primary election and 21 days before a general election must […]

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Florida State Flag

A federal judge rejected a Florida law limiting contributions to political committees that support ballot initiatives. U.S. District Judge Winsor has issued a permanent injunction against Senate Bill 1890 and House Bill 921. These bills placed a $3,000 contribution limit […]

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Maryland Lawmakers passed a bill late in the session to require lobbyist employers to file contribution disclosure statements even if no contributions were made. Senate Bill 15 became law when Gov. Larry Hogan declined to veto the bill within 30 […]

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Flag of Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Ethics Commission issued a memo reminding lobbyists of the ban on contributions while lawmakers are in special session. Gov. Tony Evers signed Executive Order 168, calling for a special session of the Legislature to begin Wednesday, June 22. […]

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Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon has signed House Bill 49 and has not vetoed House Bill 100, allowing it to be enacted. House Bill 49 defines what an “organization” is in relation to campaign finance reporting and establishes criteria for when […]

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Louisiana state flag

Candidates for office in Louisiana will soon no longer be subject to aggregate contribution limits from political committees combined under a bill signed into law June 22 by Gov. John Bel Edwards. Effective August 1, the new law will remove […]

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The Louisiana Legislature will adjourn sine die no later than 6 p.m. June 10 in accordance with state law. Gov. John Bel Edwards will hold a media briefing about the 2021 legislative session 30 minutes after adjournment sine die. During […]

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On May 24, a bill was introduced in the U.S. Senate to prohibit political campaigns from using tactics that unwittingly enter donors into recurring contributions. The legislation, Senate Bill 1786, was created in response to a unanimous Federal Election Commission […]

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Cincinnati City Council failed to adopt an ordinance proposing additional campaign finance disclosure. Ordinance 2021-01549 would have required the mayor and City Council members to report contributions above $200 within 48 hours. Only Council Member Greg Landsman, who introduced the […]

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FEC; Photo: Sarah Silbiger/CQ Roll Call

On May 6, a unanimous Federal Election Commission (FEC) sent a message to the U.S. Congress: prohibit political campaigns from using tactics that unwittingly enter donors into recurring contributions. As part of a package of legislative recommendations approved at its […]

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The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office has increased contribution limits for the 2021-2022 election cycle. Effective January 1, an individual may not contribute more than $5,300 per election cycle to a candidate committee for statewide office and legislative office. Additionally, […]

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A bill prohibiting corporate campaign contributions has been introduced in the Virginia House of Delegates. House Bill 1906 would not only prohibit direct contributions to candidates and committees but also prohibit indirect contributions. This would include designated contributions or contributions directed […]

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Seattle, WA - by Daniel Schwen

The Seattle City Council is scheduled to vote Monday afternoon on a new ordinance. The ordinance’s rules are meant to shine a light on groups spending money to build public pressure on Seattle politicians. Recommended in January by the Seattle […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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