Canada Archives - Page 2 of 18 - State and Federal Communications

Quebec National Assembly - dszpiro

On October 2, a provincial by-election will be held in the electoral division of Jean-Talon, located in Quebec City, for the Quebec National Assembly. The election will be held to fill the vacant seat of former Member of the National […]

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August 2, 2023  •  

O Canada!

If you are hanging around our website and digital media posts, you will see we are celebrating our 30th anniversary. This has certainly given us the opportunity to see how long we have been doing various things. Our marketing team […]

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Quebec National Assembly - dszpiro

Q: I need to register as a lobbyist in Quebec for my company. What steps do we need to complete in the new system? A: The Lobbyist Registry in Quebec has been replaced by Carrefour Lobby Quebec.  Previously, the senior […]

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Temporary Canadian House of Commons in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

On July 24, a Canadian federal by-election will be held in the electoral district of Calgary Heritage (Alberta) to fill a vacancy in the House of Commons. Calgary Heritage’s Member of Parliament, Bob Benzen, had announced in October of 2022 […]

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On July 1, the updated edition of Canada’s federal Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct will come into force. A new gift limit for lobbyists is imposed, allowing up to $40 for gifts and hospitality for an official they lobby or expect […]

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On June 19, federal by-elections will be held in the electoral districts of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce–Westmount (Quebec), Oxford (Ontario), Winnipeg South Centre (Manitoba) and Portage–Lisgar (Manitoba) to fill vacancies in the House of Commons. From December 2022 until March of this year, […]

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Elections Canada published the updated limits on expenses for regulated activities of third parties involved in federal elections in Canada. The Canada Elections Act imposes a limit on expenses a third party can incur for regulated political activities. For the […]

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On March 27, the city of Pickering, in Ontario, Canada, passed a new lobbying law and will become the 10th municipality in Ontario to have a lobbyist registry framework in place. This by-law authorizing a lobbyist registry for the city […]

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On February 21, Mario Dion retired from his position running Canada’s federal ethics office. As Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner for the past five years, Dion was responsible for helping appointed and elected officials prevent and avoid conflicts between […]

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Alberta Legislature Building - Timorose

Sometime before July 2, 2023, a by-election will be announced for the seat in the House of Commons representing Calgary Heritage in the province of Alberta. On January 3, the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, Stéphane Perrault, received official notice […]

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Legislative Assembly of Ontario building - Saforrest (

Campaign contribution limits have increased in the province of Ontario, Canada for 2023. In a calendar year, a person individually may contribute $3,350 to each party, to each constituency association and nominations contestants of a party, and to each leadership […]

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British Columbia Legislature

Campaign contribution limits increased in British Columbia for 2023 to $1,401.40 for contributions to registered political parties, including their candidates, nomination contestants and registered constituency associations. Additionally, individuals can also contribute up to $1,401.40 to independent candidates and leadership contestants, […]

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Elections Canada has published the federal contribution limits for the 2023 calendar year. In 2023, individuals may contribute up to $1,700 to independent candidates, leadership candidates, registered parties, and to, in total, all of the registered associations, nomination contestants and […]

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Quebec National Assembly - dszpiro

Question:  I am the Senior Officer in Quebec for my company.  I have been receiving emails concerning a new website.  What do I need to know? Answer:  Lobbying to design and administer a new platform to replace the current Registry […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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