campaign contributions Archives - Page 8 of 12 - State and Federal Communications

Gov. Terry is the subject of a federal investigation surrounding contributions to his gubernatorial campaign. The Department of Justice is looking into donations received while McAuliffe was a board member of the Clinton Global Initiative, a charitable foundation set up […]

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May 11, 2016  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Campaign Finance “Donald Trump, in Switch, Turns to Republican Party for Fund-Raising Help” by Maggie Haberman, Ashley Parker, and Nick Corasaniti for New York Times California: “Company Donates Free Billboards to Englander as L.A. Weighs New Sign Regulations” by David […]

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Q. My employer is a wholly owned subsidiary of a parent corporation.  Does a parent corporation, a subsidiary, or other affiliated entity have its own contribution limit or must the contributions be aggregated and have a shared limit? A. This […]

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Vendors and lobbyists are now required to disclose campaign contributions and affirm the disclosed contributions were made without the expectation of a governmental benefit in return. The late-2015 amendment requires disclosure of contributions to county officials and county-level candidates if […]

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National: Even as Political Spending Explodes, Disclosure Remains Hazy – Mary Spicuzza (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) and Jeremy White (Sacramento Bee) | Published: 3/15/2016 So-called dark money spending is expected to explode during this presidential election year. Congress could require more […]

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A new bill introduced in the Georgia Senate seeks to prevent campaign contributions from companies and executives doing business with the state. Senate Bill 394, introduced by Senate Judiciary Chairman Josh McKoon, prohibits contributions from business entities and affiliated persons […]

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Cleveland City Council voted Monday, February 8, to increase campaign contribution limits for mayoral and council candidates. After much debate, the Finance Committee agreed on a $5,000 annual limit from individuals and a $7,500 annual limit from political action committees […]

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Cleveland City Council President Kevin Kelley wants to raise the limits on political contributions in order to offer challengers a fair fight against incumbent candidates with established war chests. Individual and PAC contributions to mayoral candidates would be capped at […]

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President Obama could soon issue an executive order requiring federal contractors to disclose political campaign contributions, according to the New York Times. On January 19, White House officials said the president is “seriously considering” the order, as reported by the […]

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On January 19, the U.S. Supreme Court denied an appeal arguing against a federal law banning political contributions to candidates from federal contractors. Last year, in Miller v. Federal Election Commission, formerly Wagner v. Federal Election Commission, the U.S. District […]

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On January 19, U.S. Congressman David Jolly introduced legislation prohibiting members of the U.S. Congress from personally asking people for money. The Stop Act would ban federal officeholders from directly soliciting political contributions, but would allow them to attend fundraisers […]

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State lawmakers have introduced legislation to make it harder for candidates to misuse campaign contributions. So far, thirty senators have backed a measure allowing the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission to cross-check campaign finance reports with year-end balances of campaign […]

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A task force on campaign finance reform has recommended changes to the Oregon Constitution which would allow limits to be placed on political contributions. The task force urged the Legislature to make the changes by approving a constitutional amendment allowing […]

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The city Ethics Board released new contribution limits for city candidates on January 11. Candidates for city offices may accept up to $3,000 in a calendar year from an individual contributor, an increase from the previous limit of $2,900. Groups […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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