State Archives - Page 331 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

Bill has now gone to the state Assembly.

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Considering Charter Revision or Ordinance

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Makes Electronic Lobbyist Filing Mandatory

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Voters approved Measure 47 in 2006, which would establish limits to individual political contributions. At the time, then-Secretary of State Bill Bradbury said he would not enforce the limits – but the state Supreme Court now will decide whether or not the limits should be enforced.

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January 9, 2012  •  

North Carolina Lobbyist Fine Overturned

Portions of Lobbying Law Found Ambiguous As Applied

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Due February 4, 2012

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Revolving Door and Increased Disclosure Addressed

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Joint Committee Votes Down Bill to Exclude Gubernatorial Candidates from Clean Elections Program

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Alabama Attorney General Files Appeal

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House Bill 4421 grants Ethics Commission oversight of Legislature

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January 4, 2012  •  

APOC Offering Training

To be held January 6

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Last year, Maryland’s legislature passed a public ethics law, Title 15, after finding an erosion of public confidence in government decisions due to improper influence.

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Board of County Commissioners Votes to Extend Registry to County’s 38 Cities

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Online reporting required

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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