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September 10, 2014  •  

Missouri Lawmakers Begin Veto Session

Missouri state lawmakers returned to Jefferson City today to start the veto session. During the regular session, Gov. Jay Nixon vetoed 33 regular bills and made line-item vetoes to hundreds of items in the state operating budget. Lawmakers were expected […]

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Gov. Brian Sandoval ordered the Nevada Legislature into special session beginning Wednesday, September 10, 2014. The purpose of the special session is to consider tax breaks offered to Tesla Motors in exchange for locating a battery plant in Nevada. Photo […]

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Governor Earl Ray Tomblin will not call a special legislative session to make changes to a new law regulating above-ground storage tanks. The law, created in response to the chemical contamination of drinking water for 300,000 people, sets a January […]

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The state ethics commission is preparing to amend rules regarding campaign finance and lobbyist reporting. The campaign finance changes include allowing the commission to raise or lower campaign contribution limits at the end of four-year election cycles rather than every […]

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A federal judge entered a preliminary injunction in favor of a conservative group challenging the state’s limits on the amount candidates can collect from political action committees. The group argued the limits infringed upon its First Amendment free speech rights. […]

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Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval may call the Legislature into a special session as soon as Wednesday to approve a plan for the $5 billion Tesla plant in the state. According the Los Angeles Times, the electric car company and the […]

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September 8, 2014  •  

DE Gov. Signs Revolving Door Bill

On September 4, 2014, Gov. Jack Markell signed House Bill 13 into law. Under the bill, any person who served as a member of the Delaware General Assembly is prohibited from acting as a lobbyist for one year after the […]

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The New York Times Editorial Board has declined to endorse Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the New York gubernatorial primary election. Citing Cuomo’s failure to eliminate political corruption in Albany and throughout the state, despite campaign promises to do so, the […]

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The Maine Ethics Commission voted unanimously on August 27, 2014, to no longer enforce certain provisions of Maine’s campaign finance law. This vote is a result of a federal court ruling enjoining the per-election contribution limit as applied to independent […]

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August 27, 2014  •  

NC Gov. Signs Senate Bill 403

Gov. Pat McCrory signed Senate Bill 403 into law. The bill requires treasurers of political committees with contributions, expenditures, or loans totaling more than $10,000 in an election cycle to electronically file campaign finance reports. North Carolina law already requires […]

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August 27, 2014  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying North Carolina: “Brubaker ranked leading lobbyist at NC legislature” by The Associated Press in the Washington Times. Rhode Island: “Corso 38 Studios lobbying hearing ends, with decision to come Sept. 10” by Jennifer Bogdan in the Providence Journal. Virginia: […]

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On August 21, the Texas Ethics Commission issued two advisory opinions and a proposed rule amendment. Advisory Opinion 519 holds a state candidate is not prohibited from accepting an in-kind political contribution from an out-of-state political committee. The contribution to […]

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A Leon County Circuit Court judge has approved the Florida Legislature’s changes to the state’s congressional map. Judge Terry Lewis’ ruling in July found the 5th and 10th congressional districts to be in violation of the Florida Constitution and ordered […]

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The Senate is considering minor amendments to a bill passed by both chambers to further restrict gifts to lawmakers. Senate Bill 1443 prohibits all gifts from lobbyists and reduces the value of gifts state officials can receive from a non-lobbyist […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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