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County commissioners, by a unanimous vote, approved an ordinance requiring lobbyists to register and pay a yearly $50 fee. Under the previous law, lobbyists simply had to sign a registry each time they appeared to lobby. The new law requires […]

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Missouri House Bill 2166, just one of many ethics bills moving through the legislature, passed the Government Oversight and Accountability Committee on Tuesday and will be sent to the full House for further debate. The bill bans most lobbyist gifts […]

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State Sen. Ernie Chambers introduced a resolution to prevent lobbyist-provided meals from influencing legislators. The resolution, Legislative Resolution 414, prohibits lobbyists from providing meals to legislators inside the Capitol while the legislature is in session. Last year, catering bills, paid […]

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A bill seeking to increase lobbyist disclosure advanced in committee in the Florida state senate. Senate Bill 686, if passed, will require lobbyists to report on a monthly basis the bills and amendments they are attempting to influence. This would […]

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State Representative Jeff Steinborn has introduced three pieces of legislation aimed at lobbyist disclosure and transparency. Steinborn’s bills would require employers of lobbyists to file biannual reports disclosing all funding spent to lobby the state government; would require lobbyists to […]

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Attorney General Bob Ferguson has recommended legislation prohibiting state officials and employees from becoming lobbyists for one year after leaving office. This is his second attempt to address his state’s revolving door. The bill is being considered in committee. Photo of […]

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State lawmakers have introduced legislation to make it harder for candidates to misuse campaign contributions. So far, thirty senators have backed a measure allowing the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission to cross-check campaign finance reports with year-end balances of campaign […]

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The state Legislature adjourned on Monday, January 11. Among the business handled the last day of the session was an amendment to the state constitution to change how redistricting is handled. Due to criticism and a lack of support, the […]

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Four ethics bills have passed out of the House Government Oversight and Accountability Committee and now move to consideration by the entire House. These bills include banning statewide elected officials or legislators from working as political consultants while in office, […]

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On January 13, the Kauai County Council will begin looking at legislation regulating lobbyists. Currently, Kauai County is the only county in the state without a lobbying ordinance. The new ordinance will require lobbyists to register annually with the county […]

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The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, along with the county chief elections officer, has implemented an electronic filing system for campaign finance reporting. The electronic filing system is now available. Candidates and committees can file disclosures online, and the […]

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A task force on campaign finance reform has recommended changes to the Oregon Constitution which would allow limits to be placed on political contributions. The task force urged the Legislature to make the changes by approving a constitutional amendment allowing […]

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The San Francisco Ethics Commission will meet January 13, 2016, to discuss the implementation of Proposition C, the November 2015 ballot measure imposing registration and reporting requirements on expenditure lobbyists. The measure takes effect February 1, 2016. The Ethics Commission […]

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A 2014 Superior Court decision is being reviewed by the San Francisco Ethics Commission. Critics of the decision argue it created a loophole wherein money a candidate raised via a general purpose committee can be used to elect or defeat […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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