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On March 29, a bill overhauling campaign finance was passed by the Arizona Legislature. Among the changes to the state’s law, Senate Bill 1516 allows groups registered with the IRS as “social welfare” organizations to withhold disclosing donor information, removes […]

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The Washington State Legislature adjourned its special session on March 29, 2016. The special session was needed to pass a supplemental budget. The new budget plan increases spending by $191 million.

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Gov. Phil Bryant has set a special election to fill a vacant seat in the state House. The election for the District 29 seat will be held June 7, 2016, with a runoff on June 28, 2016, if necessary. The […]

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The Columbus City Council passed three new pieces of ethics legislation on Monday, March 28, strengthening financial disclosure provisions and amending city campaign finance and lobbying laws. Ord. 0084-2016 requires lobbyists to file updated registration statements in January, May, and […]

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A new lobbying ordinance may be coming to Travis County, Texas, according to the Austin American-Statesman. An ethics code, possibly including a lobbyist registration and reporting component, is being considered by the county, with recommendations to be accepted in May […]

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The Idaho Legislature adjourned sine die on Friday, March 25, 2016. Lawmakers agreed to a 7.4 percent increase in the education budget, but did not pass a tax cut proposal or Medicaid expansion. Photo of the Idaho State Capitol by […]

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The General Assembly adjourned sine die following a long  final session day on Thursday, March 24, 2016. Lawmakers worked just past their midnight deadline, sending several bills to Gov. Nathan Deal for his signature. Any bills not passed by the […]

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At its March 28, 2016, meeting, the San Francisco Ethics Commission will discuss and possibly select campaign committees and lobbyists for the commission’s 2015 random audits. The commission recommends randomly selecting 20% of campaign committees that reported activity greater than […]

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The North Carolina Legislature adjourned a special session on Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Before adjourning, the Legislature ratified a bill to block local governments from enacting nondiscrimination ordinances regarding the use of public bathrooms.

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Mayor Joe Hogsett has introduced a proposed ordinance to the City Council, intending to update the city’s lobbying laws. The proposed ordinance would require lobbyists to disclose any gift of $25 or more. Additionally, the ordinance would prohibit a current […]

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After nine months of searching and receiving over 200 resumes, the New York Joint Commission on Public Ethics has finally found a new executive director. Seth H. Agata, a former top aide to Gov. Cuomo, was named as the new […]

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Gov. Tom Wolf is pushing to extend the range of the gift ban he imposed on executive branch employees after taking office. His plan is to make his executive order a permanent, statutory prohibition and create a similar restriction on […]

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North Carolina legislative leaders have announced a special legislative session convening Wednesday, March 23 to address a Charlotte nondiscrimination ordinance that would otherwise take effect April 1. The regular session of the General Assembly is not scheduled to meet until […]

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A bill revising the definition of lobbyist to include individuals attempting to influence state governmental procurement of $250,000 or more is awaiting a final vote in the California Assembly. The bill would not apply to in-house lobbyists; only consultants paid […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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