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The city commission adopted changes to Tallahassee’s ethics rules, taking aim at improper interactions between elected officials and those seeking official action. Changes to the ordinance include a ban on city officials soliciting gifts from vendors and lobbyists and a […]

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo called a special election for April 24, 2018. The special election is needed to fill nine vacant Assembly seats and two vacant Senate seats. The Senate races may garner a lot of fanfare as Democrats hope to […]

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A bill was introduced in Utah restricting funds from a campaign account owned by a lobbyist. House Bill 213 prohibits a lobbyist from using his or her own campaign account money for political purposes, unless the expenditure is in support […]

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The New Mexico Senate introduced Senate Bill 107, which states any lobbyist or lobbyist’s employer required to file an expenditure report must also file a report with the secretary of state within one week following the conclusion of a legislative […]

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Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin announced the dates for the 1st Suffolk Senatorial District special elections. The primary will be held April 3, with the general on May 1. The vacancy was created after Linda Dorcena Forry resigned to become […]

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Hawaii Lt. Gov. Shan Tsutsui announced he will be resigning on Wednesday to join a lobbying and public affairs firm as senior vice president. In his announcement, Tsutsui cited the difficulty of working on Oahu with his family being on […]

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Changes to registration and training requirements are now effective for Miami lobbyists. Following the passage of Ordinance 13718, lobbyists must now register within five business days of being retained as a lobbyist by a principal and prior to engaging in […]

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The Virginia House Committee on Rules unanimously reported House Bill 263 without recommendation to the House floor on Friday. The bill establishes the Virginia Democracy Voucher Program, which sends every registered voter in Virginia $100 in Democracy Vouchers that may […]

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The North Carolina Supreme Court struck down a 2017 law overhauling the state’s Elections Board and Ethics Commission. Session Law 2017-6 merged the existing state Board of Elections and state Ethics Commission and created the new Bipartisan State Board of […]

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The Carroll County Board of County Commissioners voted 4-1 to move forward with a new ethics ordinance. The ordinance was originally developed in 2014 after the Maryland General Assembly passed a bill in 2010 requiring all counties, municipalities, and boards […]

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New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed Executive Order 2A, which places limits on gifts and defines personal relationships for the governor of the Garden State. This order requires the governor to disclose gifts received from anyone he has met in […]

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Lobbyists in Austin have agreed to cooperate with the city and disclose how much clients pay them. Taking a lead from state and federal filing requirements, Austin began requiring lobbyists to report what they are paid last year. Seventeen lobbyists […]

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January 26, 2018  •  

Governor of Kansas Resigns

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback resigned yesterday after the U.S. Senate confirmed him to be the ambassador at-large for international religious freedom. The vote was 49-49 along party lines, with two senators absent, and Vice President Mike Pence broke the tie […]

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After being rejected by the Wisconsin Senate, a bipartisan commission has voted to retain Mike Haas through April 30 as the state’s top election official. Attorney General Brad Schimel has told Gov. Scott Walker someone new must be appointed in […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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