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The Wyoming Legislature adjourned sine die in the early hours of February 28. The House spent the final day of its 2019 legislative session overriding four of Gov. Mark Gordon’s 14 vetoes, but the Senate decided to only override two […]

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A proposed House bill relating to campaign reports is progressing through the Legislature, passing its third reading and arriving in the Senate. House Bill 165 would require candidates who do not intend to receive or spend more than $1,000 in […]

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Illinois introduced legislation to create a small donor campaign contribution matching fund for candidates for certain offices, including governor, State Treasurer, and Secretary of State. House Bill 3712 introduced by Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy would require the General Assembly to […]

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New Mexico State Reps. Joy Garratt and Elizabeth Thomson introduced House Bill 551 earlier this month. If passed, the bill would require lobbyists to participate in a sexual harassment training lasting at least four hours. The program must be sponsored […]

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The Ohio Secretary of State, Frank LaRose, released new campaign contribution limits adjusted for inflation each odd-numbered year. The changes include an increase in the amount PACs and individuals may contribute to statewide candidates from $12,707.79 to $13,292.35 per election […]

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February 25, 2019  •  

VA Legislature Adjourns Sine Die

The Virginia General Assembly adjourned sine die on February 24. During the 47-day session, lawmakers failed to pass bills creating campaign contribution limits for candidates for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, or state legislators. A gift notification is due three […]

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The Los Angeles City Ethics Commission backed new restrictions on political contributions from real estate developers seeking city approval for their building plans. The proposed ban applies to those who are “substantially involved” in a proposed development project, such as […]

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February 22, 2019  •  

Supreme Court Won’t Hear Montana Case

This week, the Supreme Court of the United States declined to hear a case challenging the state’s Disclose Act, leaving in place a lower court ruling of constitutionality. The Disclose Act requires more heightened reporting by groups seeking to influence […]

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The North Carolina State Board of Elections voted unanimously on Thursday in favor of holding a new election in the 9th Congressional District. The election in November between Mark Harris and Dan McCready was riddled with accusations of fraud and […]

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Rep. Larry Lockman introduced a bill in the Legislature that aims to prohibit public school teachers in the state from engaging in political advocacy in the classroom. The proposed legislation establishes a code of ethics for professional conduct that prohibits […]

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A bill requiring Tennessee voters to declare their party affiliation in order to vote in a primary election made its way through its first committee on Wednesday. In order to cast a primary ballot, House Bill 1273 and Senate Bill […]

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The Arkansas Ethics Commission clarified a gift exception in Advisory Opinion No. 2019-EC-001. A local lobbying firm wants to hold a 20th anniversary event and invite public officials. In turn, the firm requested more information regarding the exception permitting anything […]

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A special election was announced on April 9 for House District 28. This will be the third election for the seat as both elections held last year were deemed inconclusive. The special election was ordered by Senior Superior Court Judge […]

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State Rep. Greg Lewis announced his resignation from House District 113, effective February 22. Rep. Lewis was re-elected to office last year, but is vacating his seat to battle brain cancer. Under state law, the state’s Republican party will convene […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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