September 2, 2016 •
See Us in Person!
Here is our September/October calendar. If you are attending any of these events, please say hello! September 8-9 Practising Law Institute, Corporate Political Activities Seminar, Washington, DC September 15 Akron Roundtable, Akron, OH September 26-28 PAC State and Local […]
Here is our September/October calendar. If you are attending any of these events, please say hello!
September 8-9 Practising Law Institute, Corporate Political Activities Seminar, Washington, DC
September 15 Akron Roundtable, Akron, OH
September 26-28 PAC State and Local Government Relations Conference, Alexandria, VA
October 3 Akron Roundtable 40th Anniversary Celebration Dinner, Akron, Ohio
October 19-21 Public Affairs Council Fall Board Meeting, Laguna Beach, California
October 20 Akron Roundtable, Akron, Ohio
August 1, 2016 •
See Us in Person!
Here is our August/September calendar. If you are attending any of these events, please say hello! August 8-11 NCSL 2016 Legislative Summit, Chicago, IL August 18 Akron Roundtable, Akron, OH September 7-9 Practising Law Institute, Corporate Political Activities Seminar, Washington, […]
Here is our August/September calendar. If you are attending any of these events, please say hello!
August 8-11 NCSL 2016 Legislative Summit, Chicago, IL
August 18 Akron Roundtable, Akron, OH
September 7-9 Practising Law Institute, Corporate Political Activities Seminar, Washington, DC
September 15 Akron Roundtable, Akron, OH
September 26-28 PAC State and Local Government Relations Conference, Alexandria, VA
July 14, 2016 •
See Us in Person!
Here is our July/August calendar. If you are attending any of these events, please say hello! July 14-17 National Governors Association Summer Meeting, Des Moines, IA July 21 Akron Roundtable, Akron, OH July 26 WGR Toastmasters, Washington, DC August 8-11 […]
Here is our July/August calendar. If you are attending any of these events, please say hello!
July 14-17 National Governors Association Summer Meeting, Des Moines, IA
July 21 Akron Roundtable, Akron, OH
July 26 WGR Toastmasters, Washington, DC
August 8-11 NCSL 2016 Legislative Summit, Chicago, IL
August 18 Akron Roundtable, Akron, OH
September 7-9 Practising Law Institute, Corporate Political Activities Seminar, Washington, DC
May 5, 2016 •
See Us in Person!
Here is our May/June calendar. If you are attending any of the coming events, please stop by and say hello! May 10 Go Red for Women Luncheon, Akron, OH May 18 WGR Spring Reception, Washington, DC May 19 Akron Roundtable […]
Here is our May/June calendar. If you are attending any of the coming events, please stop by and say hello!
May 10 Go Red for Women Luncheon, Akron, OH
May 18 WGR Spring Reception, Washington, DC
May 19 Akron Roundtable – Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole, Akron, OH
May 19 PAC PALS Spring Reception, Washington, DC
May 19-21 NCSL Executive Committee Spring Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
May 30 Memorial Day, Office Closed, Akron, OH
May 31 – June 2 PLI’s Corporate Compliance and Ethics Institute, New York City, NY
June 6-9 2016 BIO International Convention, San Francisco, CA
June 13-15 US Chamber’s America’s Small Business Summit, Washington, DC
June 20-22 Public Affairs Council National Grassroots Conference, Alexandria, VA
June 23 Public Affairs Council Digital Media and Advocacy Summit, Alexandria, VA
June 24-27 U.S. Conference of Mayors 84th Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN
October 7, 2015 •
Our October Photo Scrapbook
Enjoy these photos from recent events!
Enjoy these photos from recent events!

September 12, 2014 •
See Us in Person!
Here is our September calendar. If you are attending any of these events, please stop by and say hello! September 11-12, 2014 PLI: Corporate Political Activities Seminar, Washington, D.C. September 22, 2014 WGR Toastmasters, Washington, D.C. September 29 – October […]
Here is our September calendar. If you are attending any of these events, please stop by and say hello!
September 11-12, 2014 PLI: Corporate Political Activities Seminar, Washington, D.C.
September 22, 2014 WGR Toastmasters, Washington, D.C.
September 29 – October 1, 2014 PAC State and Local Government Affairs Conference, Alexandria, Virginia
September 11, 2014 •
Our Team Attends PLI’s Corporate Political Activities 2014
As a part of our unrivaled commitment to government relations compliance expertise, we are attending the Practising Law Institute’s seminar, Corporate Political Activities 2014: Complying With Campaign Finance, Lobbying and Ethics Laws. The full schedule includes coverage of issues such […]
As a part of our unrivaled commitment to government relations compliance expertise, we are attending the Practising Law Institute’s seminar, Corporate Political Activities 2014: Complying With Campaign Finance, Lobbying and Ethics Laws.
The full schedule includes coverage of issues such as federal and state lobbying laws, gift laws, and corporate political contributions. PLI has gathered first-rate presenters such as Lee Goodman and Ann Ravel of the Federal Election Commission, as well as many others from state ethics agencies and corporate compliance.
Why are we taking the time to attend PLI’s Corporate Political Activities 2014?
As their website states: “Lobbying, campaign finance and ethics rules in Washington, and in every state, are changing, and new court cases are affecting lobbyists, corporations, associations, and unions. Compliance with federal, state and local laws is more complex than ever.”
Compliance is more complex than ever – and we are making sure we have it covered.
September 30, 2013 •
PLI’s Corporate Political Activities 2013
September 31 – October 1, 2013
As a part of our unrivaled commitment to government relations compliance expertise, we are attending the Practising Law Institute’s Seminar, Corporate Political Activities 2013: Complying With Campaign Finance, Lobbying and Ethics Laws. Elizabeth Bartz, president and CEO of State and Federal Communications, Research Manager John Cozine, Federal Compliance Associate Rebecca South, and Research Associates Jen Zona and Michael Beckett are in Washington, D.C. this week for the event.
The full schedule includes coverage of issues such as federal and state lobbying laws, gift laws, and corporate political contributions. PLI has gathered first-rate presenters such as the Ellen Weintraub, Donald McGahn II, and Ann Ravel of the Federal Election Commission, as well as many others from state ethics agencies and corporate compliance.
Why are we taking the time to attend PLI’s Corporate Political Activities 2013?
As their website states: “Lobbying, campaign finance and ethics rules in Washington, and in every state, are changing, and new court cases are affecting lobbyists, corporations, associations, and unions. Compliance with federal, state and local laws is more complex than ever.”
Compliance is more complex than ever – and we are making sure we have it covered.
September 12, 2013 •
See Us in Person!
Take a look at our September calendar. Say hello at future events where State and Federal Communications will be attending and/or speaking regarding compliance issues.
September 17, 2013 National Press Club – Guest Speaker, Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, Washington, D.C.
September 18, 2013 Ohio Birthday Party, Washington, D.C.
September 18, 2013 PAC Making a Name for Yourself: Branding Advocacy Campaigns, Washington, D.C.
September 19, 2013 Advanced Learning Institute Social Media for Government and NonProfit Communications, Washington, D.C.
September 19-22, 2013 CSG National Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
September 25-27, 2013 PAC State and Local Government Relations Seminar, Washington, D.C.
September 30 – October 1, 2013 PLI Corporate Political Activities Conference, Washington, D.C.
September 11, 2012 •
See Us in Person!
Here is our September calendar. Say hello at future events where State and Federal Communications will be attending and/or speaking regarding compliance issues.
September 6-7, 2012 Practising Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
September 12, 2012 United Way of Summit County Cornhole Tournament, Lock 3, Akron, OH
September 19-21, 2012 PAC State and Local Government Seminar, Washington, D.C.
September 29, 2011 •
State and Federal September Photo Scrapbook
Here are some fun pictures from recent events.

September 7, 2011 •
State and Federal Communications’ Staff Attending the PLI Seminar
Held in Washington D.C. September 8 and 9
Elizabeth Bartz, President and CEO of State and Federal Communications, as well as Compliance Associates Myra Cottrill, Steve Quinn, Rebecca South, and George Ticoras will be attending the Practising Law Institute’s Live Seminar, Corporate Political Activities 2011: Complying with Campaign Finance, Lobbying & Ethics Laws, that is to be held in Washington D.C. September 8 and 9.
This seminar will provide information covering topics such as the aftermath of Citizens United, state and federal pay-to-play laws, state lobbying, gift and campaign finance laws and enforcement, FEC rulemakings and litigation, FEC hot topics, and, among other things, recent civil and criminal enforcement cases, policies and sentencing guidelines.
September 2, 2010 •
See Us in Person
Plan to say hello at future events where State and Federal Communications will be attending and/or speaking regarding compliance issues.
We have an exciting calendar this fall. Maybe we will see you there?
- September 27-29, 2010 PAC State and Local Government Relations Seminar, Alexandria, Virginia
- October 5-6, 2010 Practising Law Institute Corporate Political Affairs Seminar, Washington, D.C.
- November 11-14, 2010 Capitolbeat Conference, Phoenix, Arizona
- November 20-23, 2010 SGAC Leaders’ Policy Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona
- December 5-8, 2010 2010 COGEL Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting