Ask the Experts Archives - Page 5 of 8 - State and Federal Communications

Q. I provided a state legislator with a permissible gift.  I will be sure to include it on my next report.  Is there anything else I need to know regarding proper disclosure of this expenditure. A. There are sometimes additional […]

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Q. Several employees from my organization engage in selling to the states.  Do they have any lobbyist registration or reporting requirements? A. The answer to your inquiry depends on two things:  first, does the state regulate procurement lobbying, and second, […]

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Q. Do gift laws preventing registered lobbyists and employers from giving gifts to public officials, also prohibit gifts to the family members of public officials? A. Generally, in states that feature a prohibition on lobbyists giving gifts to public officials […]

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Q. To streamline LDA tracking and reporting, our company includes 100 percent of our in-house lobbyists’ compensation as lobbying on our quarterly report.  Is this a reasonable approach? A. The LDA does not contain any special tracking requirements for reporting […]

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Q. I am currently a registered lobbyist who files reports on a monthly basis.  I incurred a permissible meal expenditure on a covered official at the end of last month.  However, I did not pay for the expenditure until I […]

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Q. My company is planning to get more engaged on the local level. What are some things I need to consider? A. There are many considerations for a company prior to engaging on the local level. To ensure you are […]

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  Q. I am a registered lobbyist and on occasion I use my personal funds to make political contributions, as does my spouse.  Are there states that prohibit such activity? A. A lobbyist, simply by virtue of his or her […]

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Q. When must direct corporate political contributions be disclosed? A. At least 15 states require some sort of corporate contribution disclosure, whether it be on a campaign finance statement or lobbyist/employer disclosure report. Campaign finance reports typically require an annual […]

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Q. Our company, a federal registrant, is a member of numerous outside organizations.  We join many of these organizations for reasons other than their lobbying/government relations activities.  Even so, some of the organizations allocate a percentage of dues toward lobbying […]

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Here is your chance to “Ask the Experts” at State and Federal Communications, Inc. Q. I am a registered lobbyist in multiple jurisdictions and my reports are timely filed. Do I have to complete a training course? A. Depending on […]

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Here is your chance to “Ask the Experts” at State and Federal Communications, Inc.

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September 12, 2013  •  

Ask the Experts – Lobbyist on the Move

Here is your chance to “Ask the Experts” at State and Federal Communications, Inc.

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Here is your chance to “Ask the Experts” at State and Federal Communications, Inc.

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Here is your chance to “Ask the Experts” at State and Federal Communications, Inc.

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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