Nathan Shaker, Author at State and Federal Communications

The final rules can be found online.

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Limits Ran Afoul of Citizens United Decision

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Bills Relax Reporting Requirements and Allow Contributions by Insurance Companies

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Laws Found Constitutional

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JCOPE Would Have Authority to Remove or Extend Suspension after Mandatory Period

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Board Accepting Comments Until March 2nd

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Bill Requires Increased Disclosure for American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Activities

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Policy Addresses Lobbying, Gifts, and Conflicts of Interest

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Inspector General Ellen Biben Named Head of Ethics Agency

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Bill Introduced to General Assembly

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January 23, 2012  •  

Philadelphia Adjusts Contribution Limits

Increases Made to Reflect Changes in C.P.I.

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Initiative Could Appear on November Ballot

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January 9, 2012  •  

North Carolina Lobbyist Fine Overturned

Portions of Lobbying Law Found Ambiguous As Applied

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Board of Ethics Creates Interim Paper Filing System

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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