Jonathan Spontarelli, Author at State and Federal Communications - Page 175 of 238

The General Assembly adjourned late Monday, April 13, 2015, after a lengthy debate regarding the state’s fiscal plan. Last week Gov. Larry Hogan issued an executive order to extend the session if lawmakers failed to pass a budget, but the […]

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Several states have introduced legislation changing their primary election dates to early March in preparation for the 2016 presidential election. Michigan has already enacted such legislation with the passage of Senate Bill 44 and Senate Bill 45. Both senate bills […]

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Q. Our organization is under the impression that we don’t have to register as lobbyists at the federal level if we keep our lobbying activity isolated to our internal employees.  I don’t think this is accurate.  Can you let me […]

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April 13, 2015  •  

Idaho Legislature Adjourns

The Idaho Legislature adjourned sine die early Saturday, April 11, 2015. The 90-day session concluded after both houses reached a compromise on a major transportation funding bill. The bill approved $94.1 million for road and bridge repairs, failing to erase […]

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April 13, 2015  •  

We Are with You at All Times

Last month at the Public Affairs Council PAC Conference someone came up to me and was surprised our website could be viewed on an iPhone. Well, I guess we have not done a good job of getting the good word […]

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While seeking $72,000 in fines and restitution from a former candidate for lieutenant governor for campaign finance violations, Attorney General Bill Sorrell is coming under fire for his own recent filings. A new report claims Sorrell failed to adequately report […]

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Grand Fork Democrats in District 43 have filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against state Republican officials and a political action committee (PAC) for receiving foreign campaign contributions. Gov. Jack Dalrymple, state Sen. Lonnie Laffen, and the […]

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National: This Conservative Group is Tired of Being Accused of Climate Denial – and Is Fighting Back Washington Post – Tom Hamburger, Joby Warrick, and Chris Mooney | Published: 4/5/2015 The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the conservative partnership of state […]

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On April 7, Rhode Island Gov. Gina M. Raimondo appointed Marisa Quinn to the Rhode Island Ethics Commission. Quinn is the director of communications and outreach at the Watson Institute of International Studies at Brown University. According to the Providence […]

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Editors don’t have glamorous jobs. After all, how glamorous can you be with your fingers stained red by ink? But despite the lack of glitz, I am one of many editors lucky enough to work for a company that recognizes […]

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Gov. Susana Martinez has signed House Bill 155 to require increased lobbyist registration fees and additional public access to lobbyist information. Amendments to the bill stripped out provisions requiring issue disclosure and lobbyist employer reporting. Effective June 19, 2015, lobbyist […]

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Gov. Larry Hogan issued an executive order to extend the legislative session beyond the expected adjournment date of April 13, 2015. Executive Order 01.01.2015.15 will extend the General Assembly session for no longer than 10 days to provide additional time […]

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Chief Electoral Officer Glen Resler confirms writs were delivered today to administer elections across Alberta. Although Alberta has a fixed election set for spring 2016, Lt. Gov. Donald Ethell agreed to dissolve the Legislative Assembly at the premier’s request. Candidate […]

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Lawmakers have passed a bill requiring a special election to fill a U.S. Senate vacancy. House Bill 1181 requires the governor to call a special election within 95 days of a Senate seat vacancy, unless the vacancy occurs within 95 […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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