Monday News Roundup - State and Federal Communications

January 4, 2016  •  

Monday News Roundup

Government-Relations-NewsCampaign Finance

Now it’s Even Easier for Candidates and Their Aides to Help Super PACs” by Matea Gold for Washington Post

The 10 Best 2015 Investigative Reports on Political Money” by Robert Faturechi for ProPublica

Campaign Cash in State Judicial Elections Grows” by Christina Cassidy (Associated Press) for Philadelphia Inquirer

New Mexico: “Campaign Finance Scandal Leads to Calls for Closing Loopholes in New Mexico’s System” by Susan Montoya Bryan (Associated Press) for Minneapolis Star Tribune

New York: “Legislature Passes Law Requiring Donation Disclosures from Contractors” by Joe Nikic for The Island Now

Wisconsin: “DAs Tap In for Wisconsin Campaign-Finance Probe” by Molly Willms for Courthouse News Service


Alabama: “Ethics Commission Vice Chair Resigns after Late Filing of Disclosure Statement” by Mike Cason for

Arizona: “Regulators Hire Lawyer to Serve as ‘Ethics Officer’” by Ryan Randazzo for Arizona Republic

Colorado: “CU Nutrition Expert Accepts $550,000 from Coca-Cola for Obesity Campaign” by David Olinger for Denver Post

Missouri: “Missouri State Lawmakers to Take another Swing at Ethics Reform” by Alex Stuckey for St. Louis Post-Dispatch

New Mexico: “Police Sgt. Says Governor Was ‘Inebriated’” by Edmundo Carrillo for Albuquerque Journal

New York: “Preet Bharara: The man behind NY corruption busting” by Joseph Spector for Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

New York: “Dean Skelos Files Pension Papers” by Jimmy Vielkind for Capital New York

Pennsylvania: “Colwyn, Pennsylvania: The town that can’t seem to govern itself” by Daniel Vock for Governing

South Carolina: “Clock Ticking for Ethics Reform in South Carolina” by Maya Prabhu for Charleston Post and Courier

Tennessee: “TN House Ethics Committee Hasn’t Met in at Least 5 Years” by Dave Boucher for The Tennessean


An Effort to Give Women a Voice in the Republican Party” by Carl Hulse for New York Times

Kids and Candidates a Potent Combination” by Ben Schreckinger for Politico

Carson’s Many Faces: Doctor, author, speaker – and candidate” by Eileen Sullivan (Associated Press) for Philadelphia Inquirer

Legislative Issues

North Carolina: “Questions Raised about Rules Chairman David Lewis’ Actions Related to Printing Contract” by Patrick Gannon for Charlotte Observer

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