July 1, 2015 •
United Way’s Power of the Purse Luncheon
On June 30, State & Federal Communications attended United Way’s Thirteenth Annual Power of the Purse Luncheon. Elizabeth Bartz, the company’s president and CEO, introduced Dr. Beverly Warren, president of Kent State University and the event’s keynote speaker. Dr. Warren […]
On June 30, State & Federal Communications attended United Way’s Thirteenth Annual Power of the Purse Luncheon. Elizabeth Bartz, the company’s president and CEO, introduced Dr. Beverly Warren, president of Kent State University and the event’s keynote speaker. Dr. Warren gave a talk about the importance of philanthropy and the impact that women have on their community. She gave numerous examples of women philanthropists from Kent State and around Akron.
The recipient of the 2015 Barbara Matthews Woman Philanthropist of the Year Award was Dr. Deborah Plate, a Family Practice Physician at Akron General Hospital. Her award was presented by the 2014 recipient, Wendy Bolas.

June 30, 2015 •
United Way Day of Action at Lake Anna YMCA
Employees and Interns of State and Federal Communications spent the day at the United Way Day of Action on June 19, 2015. Along with the team from Omnova Solutions, each volunteer had their hands in the dirt beginning at 9:00 […]
Employees and Interns of State and Federal Communications spent the day at the United Way Day of Action on June 19, 2015. Along with the team from Omnova Solutions, each volunteer had their hands in the dirt beginning at 9:00 am.
The flower beds around the Lake Anna YMCA building looked more beautiful by the minute, with new mulch surrounding each one. A handful of people planted flowers around the fence of the YMCA garden. Halfway through the day, the YMCA staff provided us with a delicious cookout lunch.
It was rewarding to help out an organization that does so much for the community.
Enjoy this video created by our intern Elizabeth Scozzaro.
May 27, 2015 •
United Way of Summit County Drops By to Say Thank You!
We were excited to see Laura Brelin from United Way of Summit County this morning. Laura dropped by to present a framed “Campaign Excellence Award” to State and Federal Communications. The awards are presented to those organizations whose employees demonstrate […]
We were excited to see Laura Brelin from United Way of Summit County this morning. Laura dropped by to present a framed “Campaign Excellence Award” to State and Federal Communications.
The awards are presented to those organizations whose employees demonstrate outstanding excellence with at least 75% participation and either $100 per capita in giving or a 35% increase over last year’s campaign. We can proudly say our company had a $724 per capita giving in 2014!
State and Federal Communications is a proud supporter of United Way of Summit County. Aside from working hard each year on our annual campaign, we have had staff participation in the Board of Directors, the Corporate Volunteer Council, Day of Action, and the Corporate Derby Challenge.
Thank you, United Way! We look forward to many years of partnership.
April 22, 2015 •
Celebrating at the 2015 United Way Annual Meeting
It was a big day for the United Way of Summit County and State and Federal Communications had a big presence at the event. Many of our team were there to celebrate another record-breaking campaign. Elizabeth Bartz, our president and […]
It was a big day for the United Way of Summit County and State and Federal Communications had a big presence at the event. Many of our team were there to celebrate another record-breaking campaign. Elizabeth Bartz, our president and CEO was among the Board Members being honored as they finish their 6 years of amazing service, and she addressed the crowd on their behalf.
For the seventh year in a row, State and Federal Communications received an award for “Highest Per Employee Corporate Giving” in the category of 49 and fewer employees. We love the United Way of Summit County and look forward to more opportunities to Live United!
October 31, 2014 •
Donuts, Cider, and Zany Characters
State and Federal Communications held its 5th Annual Halloween Donut and Cider Sale today in the lobby of our office. It was all for the good cause of helping our friends at United Way of Summit County. We knew we […]
State and Federal Communications held its 5th Annual Halloween Donut and Cider Sale today in the lobby of our office. It was all for the good cause of helping our friends at United Way of Summit County.
We knew we couldn’t host a Halloween sale without a few wacky costumes, so our office party was “pay-to-play,” with a $5 entry to star in our costumes-of-choice.
Take a look at some of the office revelry:

July 25, 2014 •
Howard County, Maryland Campaign Receives Charity Waiver
Maryland State Flag County Executive Ken Ulman gave to charity the $34,000 in campaign contributions he received from insurance executive Jeffrey B. Cohen, who was indicted last month on federal fraud charges. Cohen has been accused of misrepresenting the amount […]
Maryland State Flag
County Executive Ken Ulman gave to charity the $34,000 in campaign contributions he received from insurance executive Jeffrey B. Cohen, who was indicted last month on federal fraud charges. Cohen has been accused of misrepresenting the amount of cash his company had available to provide liability insurance to thousands of bars, restaurants, and strip clubs.
Although current Maryland election law requires political contributions to be used only for campaigns, the state Board of Elections issued a waiver. Ulman, who is Democrat Anthony Brown’s running mate for governor, donated Cohen’s contributions to the Maryland Crime Victims Network and the United Way of Central Maryland.
October 31, 2013 •
Donuts, Cider, and Zany Characters
Our 4th Annual Halloween Donut and Cider Sale
State and Federal Communications held its 4th Annual Halloween Donut and Cider Sale today in the lobby of our office. It was all for the good cause of helping our friends at United Way of Summit County.
We knew we couldn’t host a Halloween sale without a few wacky costumes, so our office party was “pay-to-play,” with a $10 entry to star in our costumes-of-choice.
Take a look at some of the office revelry:
October 25, 2013 •
Come and Get Your Donuts and Apple Cider!
Our Fourth Annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider Sale to benefit United Way of Summit County
On Thursday, October 31, State and Federal Communications is hosting its fourth annual Halloween Donut and Apple Cider sale. All proceeds will benefit the United Way of Summit County.
Drop in and say hello from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. and enjoy a delicious treat. We’ll be in the lobby of 80 South Summit St. in Downtown Akron, across from Quaker Square.
The Krispy Kreme donuts are $1.00 per donut or $7.00 per dozen. The apple cider will be $1.00 per cup or $8.00 per gallon.
To reserve your donuts, you can email Joy Cosgrove at jcosgrove@stateandfed.com or Nicolette Koozer at nkoozer@stateandfed.com, or call us at 330-761-9960.
September 13, 2013 •
State and Federal Communications Receives Pinnacle Award
For organizations serving the greater good!
State and Federal Communications was very honored this morning to be one of the recipients of the 2013 Pinnacle Awards of Summit County. The company received the award in the “Private Sector, Small Company” category.
According to the United Way of Summit County website, “The Pinnacle Awards of Summit County is Summit County’s exclusive opportunity to honor those individuals and organizations that are serving the greater good.”
The event was sponsored by Cohen & Company and Summa Health System and was hosted by Inside Business Magazine and United Way of Summit County at the Hilton Fairlawn.
Elizabeth Bartz, president and CEO of State and Federal Communications, and all of the company’s staff would like to thank everyone for this honor. We are very pleased to live and work in such a great community, and we consider it a privilege to get out into the community and work for the greater good as best we can!
June 28, 2013 •
State & Federal Team participates in United Way Day of Action
Employees and Interns paint at East Akron YMCA
Last week on Friday, June 21, 2013, fourteen of our State & Federal Communications’ employees, including five interns, visited the East Akron YMCA on South Main Street to celebrate United Way Day of Action. After a warm welcome from Director and Vice President of Community Development Tony Grimes, the State & Fed team brought out the rollers, paintbrushes, and cans of “Legendary Blue” paint and began the day of service.
Dressed in t-shirts that read “Live United,” each member of State & Federal Communications pulled his or her own weight in work; all participated in painting the gymnasium walls and doors as well as numerous hallways. However, the volunteers never felt the task to be daunting and instead thought of it as more of a privilege.
“Though I have lived in Akron my whole life, I am often introduced to places in this community that could use a little assistance. I am always eager to help in any way possible, and I am thankful for United Way Day of Action in giving me the opportunity to do just that,” recalls Research Intern Cristina Dickos.
State & Federal Communications has participated in United Way Day of Action for several years, and each year the company looks forward to spending a day outside the office, showing that our work reaches beyond the desk.
Marketing Intern, Joanna Kamvouris, shared her sentiments: “Day of Action gave me a chance to appreciate what I sometimes take for granted and help brighten the day of children and workers within our Akron community,” Kamvouris said. “The work we completed as a team went beyond applying bright blue paint to the walls along the East Akron YMCA. We came together and made a difference that the children will see every time they visit the YMCA.”
November 2, 2012 •
Highlights from Our Halloween United Way Fundraiser
Donuts, cider, and a collection of real characters!
On Wednesday our office had some fun and raised money for a good cause all at the same time. On behalf of the United Way of Summit County, State and Federal Communications staff held a donut and apple cider sale. We sold dozens of donuts and ate a few ourselves.
To make things a little more interesting, we made the whole affair a Halloween costume party, which was pay-to-play, of course. For a $10 donation, we came in fancy dress – or not-so-fancy as the case may be – and as you can see Mae West, Rosie the Riveter, Paul Bunyan, and a host of Zombies, gangsters, sports fans, and assorted weirdos magically appeared.
Happy Halloween from State and Federal Communications!
September 14, 2012 •
United Way Sets Sights on Guinness World Record
State and Federal Communications sends ten to compete!
In an attempt to set a Guinness World Record for “the greatest number of people playing cornhole in the same competition” the United Way of Summit County invited local area businesses and residents to Lock 3 Park in Akron to participate in a lunchtime event. With a reported total of 258 participants, the United Way estimates that indeed a new record was set and submitted the information to the Guinness World Record organization.
State and Federal Communications sent five teams to the tournament with hopes of bringing home a first prize of $100 and two custom made United Way Cornhole Board sets. State and Federal’s teams of Amber Fish-Linke and Sarah Gray, Myra Cottrill and Becky Campbell, Michael Beckett and Shamus Williams, John Cozine and Steve Quinn, and Jen Zona and Jon Spontarelli each competed alongside a deep field of Akron’s best tossers. While we were unsuccessful in our bid to win the tournament, State and Federal was proud to be a part of what could be a new Guinness World Record.
September 11, 2012 •
See Us in Person!
Here is our September calendar. Say hello at future events where State and Federal Communications will be attending and/or speaking regarding compliance issues.
September 6-7, 2012 Practising Law Institute, Washington, D.C.
September 12, 2012 United Way of Summit County Cornhole Tournament, Lock 3, Akron, OH
September 19-21, 2012 PAC State and Local Government Seminar, Washington, D.C.
June 29, 2012 •
United Way Day of Action 2012
State and Federal Communications, Inc. scrapes and paints bleachers.
A scraper, a sander and a paint brush. Not your typical office supplies. But Friday, June 15, 2012 was not your typical work day as State and Federal Communications, Inc. volunteered its time to lend a hand to Akron Public Schools for the United Way’s Day of Action.
State and Federal President and CEO Elizabeth Z. Bartz—an avid supporter of the United Way—sent 15 dedicated employees to be a part of this year’s event. Day of Action functions to improve the good of the community in education, income and health by uniting local corporate sponsors, volunteers and non-profit organizations with a common agenda – to better the Akron area. This year marks the 4th year that State and Federal has participated.
Our assignment was scraping and painting football stadium bleachers. We split into two teams; one went to Kenmore High School and the other to Ellet. Team Kenmore scraped bleachers while team Ellet scraped, sanded and painted the handrails.
I was on team Ellet. We arrived and were put straight to work. I gathered my supplies; a scraper, gloves, a sander and a water bottle. With the sun beating down and sweat dripping from our faces, we spent the hottest hours of the day refurbishing the handrails surrounding the bleachers.
Over at Kenmore, for I.T. assistant Ken Kelewae, the task was more meaningful; he was back to his alma mater. Ken and the rest of his team stripped the faded bleachers that have served Kenmore High for at least 50 years.
What seemed like such a simple task proved to be much more. After many hours in the sun, a lot of sweat and a few sunburns later everyone walked away from their site with a sense of accomplishment. The United Way and Akron Public Schools were grateful for the hundreds of volunteers that committed their day to bettering the Akron community and the bleachers were ready to go for a new football season.
Out with the old, in with the new!
Day of Action video courtesy of Alexa Livadas.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.