special sessions Archives - State and Federal Communications

The fastest 2 and half minutes in campaign finance, ethics and lobbying news you’ll see this week!  

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Let Becky take you through a busy week in government and ethics news in this week’s video digest!  

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The Alaska Senate adjourned the fourth special session on November 10. However, on November 13 the House majority coalition announced plans to hold technical sessions until the special session ends November 21. A technical session will force the Senate to […]

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Gov. Kim Reynolds stated she will decide whether to call a special session of the Iowa Legislature in September. A special session may be needed to fix state budgetary shortfalls. Reynolds has the authority to transfer money from the cash […]

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Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin wants a special legislative session to address a budget shortfall caused by a recent Oklahoma Supreme Court Ruling. The Court struck down a cigarette fee resulting in $215 million in lost revenue. If the budget is […]

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The General Assembly will convene a special session today, July 31, 2017, to vote on an over-due budget proposal. Lawmakers failed to pass a budget during this year’s regular session and are one month past the deadline for a new […]

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The Texas Legislature convened a special legislative session July 18, 2017. Property tax was a topic Gov. Greg Abbott immediately put on the agenda for the session. House Bill 4 and Senate Bill 1 both, among other things, require a […]

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South Carolina lawmakers scheduled a three-day special legislative session before adjourning the regular session on May 11. The special session is expected to begin today. Because state law requires it, House Speaker Jay Lucas will gavel it in but then […]

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Gov. Bill Walker ordered Alaska legislators into a special session just minutes after the regular session adjourned. Lawmakers have been unable to agree on how to resolve the state’s annual $2.7 billion deficit. Majority House Democrats proposed a state income […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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