revolving door Archives - Page 3 of 6 - State and Federal Communications

May 25, 2016  •  

Wednesday Government Relations News

Lobbying Missouri: “Impact of Missouri’s ‘Revolving Door’ Lobbyist Law Questioned” by Jason Hancock for Kansas City Star Campaign Finance “Despite Recommendations, FEC Won’t Pursue Charges that Murray Energy Coerced Campaign Donations from Employees” by Sabrina Eaton for Cleveland Plain Dealer […]

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Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed two ethics bills on Friday, May 6. One bill creates a revolving door provision for lawmakers and statewide elected officials seeking to become lobbyists. They must wait at least six months after their terms end […]

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The City Council heard two proposed ethics reforms at yesterday’s council meeting. An ordinance introduced to require political consultants working with Portland politicians to meet certain reporting and registration requirements was passed by the council and will go to a […]

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A revolving door ban, prohibiting legislators from serving in office one day and returning as lobbyists the next, has been a priority for the Missouri General Assembly as it considers sweeping ethics reform legislation. The House passed a bill earlier […]

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The Portland City Council will consider adopting new ethics reform measures to broaden the revolving door prohibition to two years, and increase the penalties associated with repeated ethics violations. The proposal would also close a loophole in registration requirements, requiring […]

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Attorney General Mike DeWine recently approved language for a proposed ethics amendment to the Ohio Constitution. The proposal includes a revolving door provision, including a two-year ban on former legislators doing business with the Legislature. The issue must be reviewed […]

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Four ethics bills have passed out of the House Government Oversight and Accountability Committee and now move to consideration by the entire House. These bills include banning statewide elected officials or legislators from working as political consultants while in office, […]

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State Rep. Caleb Rowden pre-filed a four-point ethics reform package this week, hoping to increase accountability and transparency in government. The first change would prohibit gifts from lobbyists to any state or local elected officials as well as to their […]

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South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley recently released a statement describing a ballot measure to create a publicly funded campaign finance program. The program would allocate monetary credits to voters who could assign them to candidates. The measure would also […]

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On August 31, in a column on the, Hillary Clinton announced her support for a bill to limit the revolving door between the financial sector and the federal government. In the post, Clinton and Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the sponsor […]

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A new bill entered in the U.S. Senate would permanently ban members of both houses of Congress from ever becoming lobbyists. The legislation was introduced on August 5 by Sens. Michael Bennet and Al Franken. The Senate bill, entitled the […]

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A bill to extend revolving door prohibitions has been recommended by a unanimous vote in the House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee. House Bill 241 prohibits former statewide elected officials, public regulation commissioners, legislators, and cabinet secretaries from accepting […]

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A bill creating a revolving door for lawmakers seeking to lobby after leaving office was approved by the Senate Rules, Joint Rules, Resolutions, and Ethics Committee by a 7-0 vote. The bill requires state lawmakers to wait two years after […]

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A new ethics bill scheduled to be proposed in the Washington Legislature would impose a revolving door ban on state legislators, statewide elected officials, and directors of cabinet-level agencies. The proposal was developed by Attorney General Bob Ferguson and Rep. […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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