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A federal lawsuit has been filed against Gov. Andrew Cuomo in an attempt to force the governor to call a special election for the congressional vacancy left by former Rep. Michael Grimm. Grimm resigned from Congress in early 2015 after […]

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Assemblyman Carl Heastie has been elected speaker of the New York State Assembly. The election was held due to outgoing speaker Sheldon Silver being arrested on federal corruption charges. Heastie, a Democrat from the Bronx, has served in the Assembly […]

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A bill introduced in the New York Senate would impose new reporting requirements on lobbyists and lobbyist employers, as well as limit political contributions from lobbyists and certain other persons. The bill also contains pay-to-play restrictions. Senate Bill 02505 requires […]

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State Rep. Sheldon Silver will no longer be speaker of the New York State Assembly beginning Monday, February 2, 2015. Silver was arrested on federal corruption and bribery charges earlier this month. It is not clear whether Silver is resigning […]

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Assemblyman Sheldon Silver, speaker of the New York State Assembly, was arrested on federal corruption charges. He is accused of taking millions of dollars in bribes. Mr. Silver, a Democrat, has served as speaker for more than 20 years. According […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics has developed online ethics training, as required by the New York Legislative Law. Enrollment in the online training is available here. All registered lobbyists, including principals, must complete the online training. All lobbyists registered […]

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The Suffolk County Legislature introduced an ordinance amending the county’s lobbying law. Resolution No. 1658-2014 expands the definition of lobbying to include attempts to influence county agencies with respect to the procurement of goods, services, or public works. The ordinance […]

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The New York Times Editorial Board has declined to endorse Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the New York gubernatorial primary election. Citing Cuomo’s failure to eliminate political corruption in Albany and throughout the state, despite campaign promises to do so, the […]

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The New York City Council is considering a measure increasing disclosure requirements for those making independent expenditures to influence city elections. Introduction 148 will require individuals and entities making independent expenditures totaling $5,000 or more to disclose the owners, partners, […]

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Under New York ethics regulations, a registered lobbyist, under certain circumstances, must report the names of each source of funding of more than $5,000 from a single source used to fund the lobbying activity reported and the amounts received from […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics has created a tip line and website allowing the public to report alleged ethical violations by state officials and lobbyists, including improper gifts, conflicts of interest, nepotism, abuse of power, and sexual harassment. To […]

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The New York State Board of Elections will no longer enforce the $150,000 yearly aggregate limit on political contributions from individuals. In its May 2014 meeting, the board determined the limit can no longer be enforced in light of recent […]

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In late 2013, the New York City Council passed Local Law 129 of 2013, making many changes to current lobbying law in the city and surrounding boroughs. Many of the new law’s provisions are effective today, May 16, 2014. The […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) rejected a request made by several activist groups to grant an exemption from the donor disclosure requirement provided by New York law. Under the ethics law, a registered lobbyist, under certain circumstances, must […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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