August 3, 2015 •
Madison, WI Council Seeks to Ban Lobbyists From Serving on Committees
Legislation banning paid lobbyists from serving on boards, commissions, or committees was introduced in Common Council on July 7. Currently, legislative committees are comprised of alders and appointed city residents. As appointed members are chosen based on expertise, lobbyists who […]
Legislation banning paid lobbyists from serving on boards, commissions, or committees was introduced in Common Council on July 7.
Currently, legislative committees are comprised of alders and appointed city residents. As appointed members are chosen based on expertise, lobbyists who are appointed often have potential conflicts of interest between their committee duties and their activities for paying clients.
By banning paid lobbyists, the sponsors hope to remove possible undue influence and ensure good government practices.
June 26, 2015 •
Madison City Council to Consider Prohibiting Lobbyists from Serving on City Committees
Madison Ald. David Ahrens will soon propose an ordinance to ban registered lobbyists from serving on city committees. The proposal is expected to be introduced on July 7 as a means of eliminating both the appearance and reality of conflicts […]
Madison Ald. David Ahrens will soon propose an ordinance to ban registered lobbyists from serving on city committees. The proposal is expected to be introduced on July 7 as a means of eliminating both the appearance and reality of conflicts of interest.
The ordinance would not only prohibit registered lobbyists from serving on city committees, but would also force those who are not lobbyists when appointed and who register later to vacate their seats.
Although the city currently requires lobbyist registration and disclosure, Ahrens argues the current law isn’t enforced.
September 23, 2013 •
Madison, WI Passes Independent Expenditure Law
Ordinance replaces unenforced state law on local level
City Council passed an ordinance creating registration and reporting requirements for organizations involved in making independent expenditures. Organizations supporting or opposing any candidate for mayor, alderperson, or municipal judge are required to register with the city clerk upon accepting contributions made for, incurring obligations for, or making independent expenditures exceeding $25 in the aggregate during a calendar year. Such organizations are also required to file reports as required by Wisconsin Statutes.
The ordinance is meant to take the place of a provision no longer enforced by the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB) after it reached a settlement in a suit filed by two advocacy groups. As such, the ordinance is ripe for challenge on the same grounds as the original GAB rule was challenged.
Photo of the Madison skyline by Patrick43470 on Wikimedia Commons.
State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting