lobbying disclosure Archives - State and Federal Communications

Lady Justice - by Edward Lich from Pixabay

Question: I am planning to give a state legislator a permissible gift. I know I need to include it on my next lobbying disclosure report. Do I need to worry about anything else to make sure I am compliant with […]

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Michigan lawmakers introduced several new bills proposing fundamental changes for lobbying disclosure and gift laws. Senate Bill 963 requires lobbyists to file monthly reports instead of the current schedule of twice a year. The bill also includes a two-year revolving door […]

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The Portland Auditor has announced administrative rule changes to the city’s lobbying regulations. The revised rules clarify the definition of lobbying to include grassroots lobbying and attempts to gain goodwill. Fiscal disclosures are required to include expenses related to grassroots […]

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June 17, 2019  •  

NYCU Video Digest – June 17, 2019

New FARA Regulations, and changes being made to lobbying disclosures in various states. Catch up with all of it in this edition of News You Can Use Video Digest!

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The Minnesota Legislature recently introduced several ethics-related bills during the 91st legislative session. Senate File 2041 requires public officials to disclose a lobbyist, principal, or other interested person by whom the individual is compensated in excess of $50 in any […]

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The Connecticut General Assembly adjourned sine die on May 9, 2018. Lawmakers took no action on a bill affecting campaign finance and elections. House Bill 5526 would have modified registration requirements for political committees, expanded independent expenditure disclosure requirements, prohibited […]

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Lobbyists in Austin have agreed to cooperate with the city and disclose how much clients pay them. Taking a lead from state and federal filing requirements, Austin began requiring lobbyists to report what they are paid last year. Seventeen lobbyists […]

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Workgroup to examine “other” reporting category

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State Senator Wants Transparency

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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