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Gov. Mark Dayton has outlined several conditions legislators must meet before he will call a special legislative session. In a letter sent to House and Senate leaders, Dayton indicates they must agree on several points in the priority subjects of […]

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May 31, 2016  •  

Yukon Legislature Adjourns

On May 26, the 2016 spring sitting of the first session of the 33rd Yukon Legislative Assembly adjourned. Neither Bill 104, the Paid Lobbying Act, nor Bill 107, the Act to Amend the Elections Act with Respect to Political Contributions, […]

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On May 27, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards issued a call for a second special session of the Louisiana Legislature. The special session will convene at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 6, and must adjourn by midnight on June 23. […]

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The second regular session of the 55th Oklahoma Legislature adjourned sine die on Friday, May 27. Prior to adjournment, lawmakers addressed the growing budget deficit and passed a budget, but failed to pass health care reform legislation or approve an […]

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The Legislature adjourned sine die at midnight after a long day on Sunday, May 23. Prior to adjournment, $260 million of a $900 million budget surplus was allotted to tax credits and cuts for parents, farmers, businesses, and college students. […]

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On May 19, the fifth session of the 40th parliament of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia adjourned. The Local Elections Campaign Financing (Election Expenses) Amendment Act, 2016, also received royal assent on May 19. Member Bills 213, 219, and […]

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On May 18, the Alaska Legislature hit the constitutional limit on session length of 121 days in session without reaching a budget deal. Gov. Bill Walker immediately called a special session scheduled to begin May 23. In addition to the […]

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The 98th General Assembly adjourned Friday, May 13. Although ethics reform was a top priority this session, lawmakers fell short of passing bills creating political contribution limits or prohibiting lobbyist gifts. The Legislature did approve a 6-month waiting period for […]

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West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin announced a special legislative session set to begin Monday, May 16. The session is needed to enact the 2016-2017 budget. The regular session adjourned March 15 without passing a budget bill. The state faces […]

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The General Assembly has completed its business for the year and adjourned the 2016 legislative session on Friday, May 6, 2016, a day ahead of schedule. By joint resolution of the House and Senate, lawmakers will reconvene on June 9 […]

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On May 7, the Arizona Legislature adjourned its 52nd, Second regular session sine die at 5:45 a.m. The governor has 10 days once the Legislature has adjourned to sign a bill into law, veto a bill, or do nothing and […]

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The 28th Hawaii State Legislature adjourned its regular session sine die on May 5, 2016. Among other things, lawmakers approved funding for air-conditioning in public schools, appropriated money for statewide homeless programs, increased funds for preschool programs to provide families […]

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The Connecticut General Assembly adjourned its regular session yesterday, May 4, 2016, without reaching a deal on the state budget. As time ran out on the session, constitutionally mandated to end at midnight, Democratic leaders postponed a vote on the […]

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The Kansas Legislature adjourned after passing a budget in the early hours of May 2, 2016. Lawmakers have been in session only 73 of the scheduled 90 days and will return to the state capitol on June 1 for a […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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