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On January 13, the Kauai County Council will begin looking at legislation regulating lobbyists. Currently, Kauai County is the only county in the state without a lobbying ordinance. The new ordinance will require lobbyists to register annually with the county […]

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The 28th Hawaii State Legislature adjourned sine die on May 7, 2015. Lawmakers passed a range of bills this year, including a 100 percent renewable energy goal for the state and a bill to establish a system of statewide medical […]

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Susan Yoza, Associate Director of the Hawaii State Ethics Commission, testified in support of House Bill 180 before the House Committee on Judiciary on Friday, January 30. HB 180 clarifies reporting requirements for lobbyists and organizations engaging in lobbying activities […]

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At its December 17 meeting, the Hawaii State Ethics Commission will consider amending its interpretation of certain conflict of interest provisions. Legislators and employees are prohibited from assisting or representing any person or business for compensation on matters in which […]

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Hawaii’s Governor-Elect, David Ige, is scheduled to be inaugurated on December 1, 2014. There are several things to keep in mind if you are considering involvement in inaugural events. In Hawaii neither lobbyists nor non-lobbyists are permitted to provide event […]

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The Hawaii State Senate convened a special session on Wednesday, October 22, to consider judicial appointments to the Circuit Court of the First Circuit and to the District Court of the Third Circuit. Private attorney Jeffrey Crabtree and Family Court […]

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A special election will be held on Friday, August 15, for residents of the rural Puna region. Two voting precincts in the region were closed during Saturday’s primary as Tropical Storm Iselle battered the Big Island. Roughly 8,000 registered voters […]

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The Hawaii State Ethics Commission voted Wednesday to withhold from the public all financial disclosure statements filed by public officials prior to July 8. The decision came in response to a new law expanding the list of financial disclosure statements […]

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Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie is seeking candidates and recently expediting appointments for various state boards and commissions. More than two dozen volunteer members resigned following the enactment of Senate Bill 2682, a bill requiring them to make their financial disclosure […]

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Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed Senate Bill 2629 on Monday, July 7, amending Section 97-3 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes. Effective immediately, registered lobbyists, lobbyist employers, and certain individuals are required to file statements of expenditures with the state ethics commission […]

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The Hawaii State Ethics Commission, in a 3-2 vote on June 18, approved new guidelines for lawmakers to follow in an effort to regulate the spending of their annual allowance. Each legislator receives almost $12,000 each year to cover incidental […]

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In an ongoing battle for independence, the Honolulu Ethics Commission sent a letter to Mayor Kirk Caldwell highlighting the latest affront by corporation counsel and asking the administration to demonstrate its commitment to a strong ethics program. The letter mentioned […]

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At its June 18 meeting, the Hawaii State Ethics Commission will consider whether to issue guidance to state legislators regarding the use of their annual legislative allowance. The state Constitution provides the allowance for each legislator to cover incidental expenses […]

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Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed Senate Bill 2120 into law April 25. Immediately effective upon executive approval, the legislation corrects a mistaken reference to a section of the Hawaii Revised Code meant to exempt contributions from a candidate’s immediate family […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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