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State of Hawaii

The Hawaii Campaign Spending Commission electronic filing systems will be down and offline for scheduled maintenance on Thursday, May 13 from 8 a.m. to noon. The offline systems will include the candidate filing system, noncandidate committee filing system, and the […]

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The 31st session of the Hawaii Legislature will adjourn sine die on April 29 after 55 days in session. During the legislative session, lawmakers introduced several bills related to campaign finance and lobbying laws. Senate Bill 0166, related to campaign […]

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March 3, 2021  •  

Ask The Experts: Gifts of Aloha

Q: The Hawaii State Ethics Commission just released updates to their administrative rules. As a registered lobbyist in the state, how do these changes affect me? A: First, the Ethics Commission’s changes clarify gift rules for registered lobbyists and their […]

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State of Hawaii

The Hawaii Ethics Commission administrative rules on gifts and lobbying are now live. Additionally, optional lobbyist training sessions will take place on the mornings of January 6, 2021 and January 12, 2021 at 10 a.m. Title 21 of the Hawaii […]

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State of Hawaii

The Hawaii State Senate confirmed eight judicial appointments on October 6 in its first special session of 2020. First Circuit Court Judge Karen Nakasone was appointed to the Intermediate Court of Appeals. Karin Holma, Tracy Fukui, Bryant Zane, and Andrew […]

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The Hawaii Ethics Commission approved a package of proposals on June 18. These proposals amend and adopt portions of the Hawaii Administrative Rules related to lobbying and gifts. The amendments in chapters one through six address the Commission’s operations and […]

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State of Hawaii

The Hawaii Legislature will resume its session on June 22 to address budget issues, COVID-19, and police discipline measures. The Legislature previously recessed on May 22 after passing legislation storing more than $1 billion in the general fund. Now lawmakers […]

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The Hawaii State Ethics Commission voted to accept new testimony prior to its public hearing on May 21. The hearing is specifically concerning proposed amendments to the state lobbying and gift rules. In order to consider the new testimony, the […]

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On April 24, the Hawaii State Ethics Commission further extended the deadline for lobbyist and employer activity reports to June 1 in response to COVID-19. Originally, reports for the January 1 to February 29 period were due on March 31. […]

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The Democratic Party of Hawaii announced the Democrat presidential primary election will take place on May 22 via mail-in ballots. The election had originally been scheduled for April 4, but in-person voting was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns. To accommodate […]

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The Hawaii State Ethics Commission has rescheduled its public hearing on proposed administrative rules concerning amendments to state lobbying and gift laws for May 7. Due to COVID-19 concerns, the original date of March 19 was postponed. The proposals include: […]

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In response to COVID-19, the Hawaii State Ethics Commission issued an order. The order extends the deadline for lobbyist and employer activity reports to April 30. Originally, the reports were scheduled to be due on March 31 for the reporting […]

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The Hawaii State Ethics Commission will hold a special meeting on Friday, March 27, in response to COVID-19. Currently, lobbyist and employer activity reports are due on Tuesday, March 31, for the period of January 1 to February 29. Additionally, […]

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State of Hawaii

Despite previous reports on March 17 that the Hawaii Campaign Spending Commission will remain open, it is now closed to the public as of March 20. Commission staff are available remotely at (808) 586-0285 during regular business hours for assistance. […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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