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Today the Phoenix, Arizona City Council is expected to vote on whether to create a city ethics commission and whether to add a gift policy to its ethics policies. According to the council’s agenda for the meeting, the proposed gift […]

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The Chicago Board of Ethics recently posted two new publications on its website, both of which outline ethics restrictions for city officials. The first addresses, among other things, general conflicts of interest, lobbying on behalf of others, financial interests in […]

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State Rep. Mike Reynolds is criticizing officials at the state Ethics Commission for offering proposed changes to lobbyist reporting and registration, conflict of interest, and financial disclosure rules. According to Reynolds, “the Ethics Commission seems to be declaring open season […]

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Trenton’s recently established ethics board passed the city’s first code of ethics last week. The long-awaited code outlines behavioral guidelines for elected officials, city employees, and representatives serving on city boards. Included are provisions regarding conflicts of interest, receipt of […]

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Independent commission to recommend changes in 2013

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Ordinance to Address Conflicts of Interest and Improper Business Practices

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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