term limits Archives - State and Federal Communications

Voters in Toledo, Ohio defeated Issue 19, a charter amendment that would have made the amendment process consistent with the process in the Ohio Constitution. The Amendment would have also reduced the number of signatures required for an elector to […]

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Missouri voters defeated a constitutional amendment that would have extended term limits currently applicable to the governor and treasurer to all statewide elected officials. The failure of the amendment does not affect the term limits currently applicable to the governor […]

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On November 3, voters in New Mexico approved a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to adjust the term of a state, county, or district officer. House Joint Resolution 8, or Amendment 2, allows the legislature to adjust the term […]

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On November 3, voters in Arkansas approved a constitutional amendment to impose term limits for state legislators. Issue 2 creates term limits of 12 consecutive years for state legislators with the opportunity to return after a four-year break. Arkansas previously […]

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Voters in the November 3 election will decide whether the Honolulu prosecuting attorney should be limited to two consecutive four-year terms. Honolulu City Council members voted unanimously on January 29 to add the measure to the 2020 election ballot. Voters […]

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On January 3, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to impose term limits on members of Congress. The amendment would limit Senators to two six-year terms and House members to […]

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November 5, 2014  •  

Arkansas Passes Ethics Constitutional Amendment

Voters passed a constitutional amendment on the November 4 ballot to extend term limits for state lawmakers in exchange for strict ethics laws for lobbyists and corporations. The Arkansas Elected Officials Ethics, Transparency, and Financial Reform Amendment of 2014 bans […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting stateandfed.com.

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