State Archives - Page 279 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

A new Utah state law requiring independent expenditure reporting for political spending became effective today. House Bill 39 requires all persons and entities, except political parties, to file independent expenditure reports with Utah’s chief election officer within 30 days after […]

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The Government Accountability Board (GAB) has concluded a recently signed law allowing lobbyists to personally give campaign contributions a couple of months earlier also prohibits them from providing such contributions on behalf of clients at any time. Whether by design […]

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Delaware Lt. Gov. Matt Denn recently announced his candidacy for attorney general in 2014. If he is elected in November, the office of the lieutenant governor would be vacant until 2016. Delaware law has no provision to address such a […]

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Colorado state legislators recently passed a bill aimed at increasing lobbying transparency. Senate Bill 14-217 passed the House by unanimous vote on May 7, demonstrating bipartisan support for changes in lobbyist disclosure requirements. The bill requires lobbyist subcontractors receiving business […]

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  Just over a month ago, the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust cleared David Beckham of a complaint charging he violated county ethics law by failing to register as a lobbyist. At the time, Beckham’s meetings with Miami-Dade […]

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Despite the adjournment of the Maine Legislature on May 2, 2014, legislators are still debating issues. Republican leaders are urging Democrats to reconvene for a special session to address a funding crisis for the state’s nursing homes.    

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The Assembly has passed a bill to ban fundraisers at the homes of lobbyists. Assembly Bill 1673 passed without a no vote and without debate. The bill modifies the definition of “contribution” by removing a $500 exception for home or […]

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Aggregate contribution limits for individuals and PACs contributing to state candidates are no longer enforceable, according to the settlement reached in Young v. Government Accountability Board. The federal case challenging Wisconsin’s aggregate limits was on hold until the Supreme Court […]

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Gov. Phil Bryant has called a special session of the Mississippi Legislature to begin May 8, 2014, to make appropriations for the state’s share of disaster relief for tornado damage. The National Weather Service reported 23 tornadoes touched down in […]

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The Ethics Commission has prepared draft amendments to the Election Campaign Control Ordinance (ECCO). The proposed ECCO amendments include a provision to classify a committee’s otherwise independent payment as a “contribution” if the payment is for an advertisement duplicating materials […]

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Gov. Nikki Haley has rejected a proposed compromise on ethics oversight by the House ethics reform panel. The panel unanimously advanced a proposal in House Bill 3945 to create an independent investigative commission. The commission would consist of 12 members […]

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Q. My company is a registered lobbyist employer in California.   I do not currently meet the threshold for lobbyist registration, however, I do engage in some lobbying activity.  Am I required to disclose this activity on the company’s report? A. […]

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The Kansas Legislature adjourned in the early morning hours of May 3, making this the shortest legislative session in 40 years. State lawmakers passed a budget and approved funding for courts and schools, but failed to address the state’s falling […]

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The Florida Legislature adjourned its 2014 session on May 2, 2014 after passing a record $77.1 billion budget. The final day of session also saw two immigration bills passed, including one allowing undocumented immigrants attending Florida high schools to qualify […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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