State Archives - Page 228 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

The number of municipalities and regional governments our research associates track continues to grow. We now cover almost 300 municipalities and local governments. This is part of a continuous effort to better serve the needs of our clients. In that […]

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Massachusetts state Sen. Michael Brady has introduced legislation proposing state municipalities require lobbyist registration and reporting. If passed, municipalities would be allowed to opt into the law’s requirements after approval by vote of the local governing body. According to Brady, […]

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Gov. Martinez has signed legislation designed to standardize electronic reporting for candidate, lobbyist, and political committee filings. Intended to increase transparency and make it easier to access public records, House Bill 105 creates an electronic database that will be searchable, […]

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On February 24, the Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF) held a public hearing on proposed regulations to clarify political expenditure coordination between entities. The proposed regulations seek to elucidate the differences between independent and coordinated expenditures, including […]

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Rep. Courtney Allen Curtis introduced a bill recently to amend Missouri lobbying law. Current law exempts union workers from lobbying registration unless their job is specifically to lobby. The proposed legislation would remove the exemption. While comparing the bill to […]

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On February 24, the Utah Senate passed Senate Joint Resolution 2, which asks Congress to repeal the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and proposes a new Amendment to return the power of choosing U.S. Senators to state legislatures. The […]

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Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh has filed a home rule petition with the City Council to establish a lobbying law for the city. The proposal, filed with the council on February 1, requires lobbyist to register annually with the city […]

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February 24, 2016  •  

Special Session Called in Arkansas

A special legislative session has been called to start on April 6, a week before the 2016 regular session kicks off. The special session will address passing a new form of Medicaid expansion in the state. Lawmakers will vote on […]

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Gov. Susana Martinez has set a date for a special election to replace interim Secretary of State Brad Winter. Winter, who was appointed to the position following the resignation of former Secretary Dianna Duran, declined to seek election to the […]

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A new bill introduced in the Georgia Senate seeks to prevent campaign contributions from companies and executives doing business with the state. Senate Bill 394, introduced by Senate Judiciary Chairman Josh McKoon, prohibits contributions from business entities and affiliated persons […]

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February 22, 2016  •  

Special Election Called in Michigan

Gov. Snyder has called a special election to fill the vacancy in House District 28 following the appointment of State Rep. Derek Miller as the Macomb County Treasurer. The special primary election will be held on August 2, with the […]

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February 22, 2016  •  

Monday News Roundup

Lobbying New Mexico: “Senators Credit KOB As They Pass Campaign Finance System Reform” by Ryan Luby for KOB Campaign Finance New Mexico: “‘Dark Money’ Disclosure Bill Dies in Final Days of Session” by Trip Jennings for New Mexico In Depth […]

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The Joint Commission on Public Ethics has released an advisory opinion addressing whether an elected official can solicit and accept campaign contributions or other forms of support for his campaign from a subject of the official’s enforcement powers. In the […]

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February 18, 2016  •  

New Mexico Legislature Adjourns

The Legislature adjourned sine die on Thursday, February 18, 2016. Before adjourning, lawmakers passed House Bill 105 to revamp its campaign finance information system. Gov. Susana Martinez has until March 9 to act on legislation. Any bill failing to reach […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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