State Archives - Page 224 of 369 - State and Federal Communications

A revolving door ban, prohibiting legislators from serving in office one day and returning as lobbyists the next, has been a priority for the Missouri General Assembly as it considers sweeping ethics reform legislation. The House passed a bill earlier […]

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Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has signed into law a bill requiring lobbyists to file registration statements within three business days of commencing or ceasing representation of a client. The bill also requires each person employing a lobbyist to sign a […]

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The 90th Arkansas General Assembly entered its second extraordinary session on Wednesday, April 6, to consider Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s Medicaid proposal. Hutchinson believes the proposal can expand the state’s Medicaid program while also encouraging recipients to stay employed and to […]

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The Supreme Court declined to hear a challenge to a Mississippi campaign finance law requiring individuals or groups to report expenditures of $200 or more to support or oppose a ballot measure. Five residents of Mississippi sued the state in […]

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Kaua`i County lobbyists will soon be required to register with the county clerk within five days of engaging in lobbying. The mayor signed a new lobbying ordinance on March 30, after council unanimously adopted the measure the week before. The […]

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Gov. Terry McAuliffe will soon set a special election to fill the District 1 seat of the state senate. Sen. John Miller, who passed away Monday, leaves the seat open less than a year into a four-year term. Given the […]

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The Portland City Council will consider adopting new ethics reform measures to broaden the revolving door prohibition to two years, and increase the penalties associated with repeated ethics violations. The proposal would also close a loophole in registration requirements, requiring […]

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State and Federal Communications is excited to be a Bronze Sponsor of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Legislative Reception in Columbus, Ohio on April 5, 2016! The keynote speaker for the event is former Speaker of the […]

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The Kentucky Registry of Election Finance (KREF) cannot enforce the state’s constitutional prohibition on corporate contributions, according to a federal judge. U.S. District Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove concluded the rule to be a violation of the Equal Protection Clause […]

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On March 31, a bill overhauling campaign finance passed by the Arizona Legislature was signed into law by Gov. Doug Ducey. Among the changes to the state’s law, Senate Bill 1516 allows groups registered with the IRS as “social welfare” […]

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A special election for House District 162, held on March 29, 2016, is headed for a runoff after no candidate received more than 50 percent of the vote. Voters will return to the polls on April 26, 2016 to choose […]

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Citing burnout from over 18 years of elections work, Director of Arkansas Elections Rob Hammons has turned in his resignation to the secretary of state’s office. Assistant Director Leslie Bellamy has taken over as the interim director. The Elections Division […]

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A bill prohibiting communications between members of California’s Coastal Commission and lobbyists during the 24 hour period before commission hearings has passed in committee. The Committee on Elections and Redistricting approved Assembly Bill 2002, getting lawmakers one step closer to […]

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The Wisconsin Senate announced this month it is unlikely to meet again this year, bringing an unofficial end to a two-year session. Both houses of the legislature may choose to reconvene for a brief floor period in April. The legislature […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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