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On May 27, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards issued a call for a second special session of the Louisiana Legislature. The special session will convene at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 6, and must adjourn by midnight on June 23. […]

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The second regular session of the 55th Oklahoma Legislature adjourned sine die on Friday, May 27. Prior to adjournment, lawmakers addressed the growing budget deficit and passed a budget, but failed to pass health care reform legislation or approve an […]

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The City of Rochester Ethical Practices Board has formally requested the City Council and Mayor Ardell Brede review the process for appointing community members to advisory commissions and boards. The board requests review in the following five areas of the […]

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On May 25, U.S. District Judge Charles Lovell partially stayed his order from May 17 striking Montana’s contributions limits. On May 17, Lovell ruled the state’s current statutory campaign finance contribution limits were unconstitutionally low. The state determined the ruling […]

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On May 25, the Reno City Council unanimously voted to defer the question of whether to pass a lobbying law for the city. Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve objected to the ordinance because it only applied to city council members and […]

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Gov. Andrew Cuomo has proposed eight bills to the state Legislature to close a controversial loophole in campaign finance law permitting limited liability companies (LLCs) to make donations up to $60,800 per statewide candidate, with an aggregate limit of $150,000. […]

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On May 24, the Rhode Island House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill changing the state’s lobbying law. House Bill 7388A creates a new system of lobbying regulation by creating one set of rules for lobbying both the executive and […]

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The San Diego Ethics Commission released a draft of proposed amendments to San Diego’s Election Campaign Control Ordinance. The proposed changes would extend the one-year pre-election fundraising time period to January 1 of odd-numbered years and eliminate the third pre-election […]

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On May 25, the Reno City Council will consider requiring lobbyist to register with the city. At tomorrow’s council meeting, an ordinance is being introduced entitled “Registration and Regulation of Lobbyists.” The ordinance would require lobbyists to register with the […]

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Earlier this year, the state Joint Commission on Public Ethics (JCOPE) made a regulatory change requiring public relations professionals to document outreach to editorial boards and report their activity to the state as lobbying. The regulation is now being contested […]

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Gov. Terry is the subject of a federal investigation surrounding contributions to his gubernatorial campaign. The Department of Justice is looking into donations received while McAuliffe was a board member of the Clinton Global Initiative, a charitable foundation set up […]

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On May 23, the Third Extraordinary Session of the 90th General Assembly adjourned sine die. The primary focus of the special session was Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s $50 million highway funding plan. After three days, the plan was given final approval […]

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Last week, Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed Senate Bill 692, approving changes to the state’s ethics laws yet again. Among the changes, lobbyists will only have to file one disclosure report each year, down from two, on July 1 for the […]

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The Legislature adjourned sine die at midnight after a long day on Sunday, May 23. Prior to adjournment, $260 million of a $900 million budget surplus was allotted to tax credits and cuts for parents, farmers, businesses, and college students. […]

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State and Federal Communications, Inc. provides research and consulting services for government relations professionals on lobbying laws, procurement lobbying laws, political contribution laws in the United States and Canada. Learn more by visiting

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